The medical team performs a delicate procedure on a girl who accidentally swallowed caustic acid, and a boy travels from Cork with his parents for vital surgery.
A baby is rushed into the intensive care unit with suspected meningitis, and his parents' quick response may have saved him from more serious problems. A man visits the hospital to receive Botox injections, and three children are treated in the kidney-renal department.
Surgeons perform a procedure on a long-term patient to find out whether his breathing tube can finally be removed, allowing him to return home. A girl from Donegal arrives for a hip examination, and a boy injures his foot playing football.
A mother has an anxious wait as her son undergoes life-changing neurosurgery for a condition which, if left untreated, could lead to severe balance and breathing problems. Another patient faces the prospect of leaving A&E in a cast, and a girl prepares for eye surgery.
A medical team examines the condition of a baby who underwent intensive surgery in the first few weeks of his life. The boy's parents describe how they are coping with the stress and hospital visits. Elsewhere, a child with hearing problems comes in for treatment.
A teenager with cystic fibrosis attends the hospital with his mother for his regular lung function tests. A boy is rushed into A&E suffering from convulsions and a baby awaits surgery.
Daily life inside the hospital, featuring 12-year-old Cealan, who has endured 50 procedures to correct his appearance after swallowing corrosive acid as a toddler. Plus, nine-year-old Michael receives treatment for brittle bones, and a set of newborn twin brothers arrive for a hernia operation.
Newborn baby Neill undergoes vital surgery, having been born with a tumour on his lower back, and a girl who has been bitten by a dog arrives at the hospital. Plus, a boy has an operation on his cataracts
The team treats a 15-year-old boy who was involved in a road traffic accident, and a girl arrives at the hospital to have a mole removed from her forehead. Plus, A&E staff see to a boy who has been involved in a hurling accident.
A boy has a second tumour removed from his brain. Having already undergone an initial procedure, he has been left with limited speech and communication skills. Plus, a youngster has his tonsils and adenoids removed, and a girl faces a major operation to cure regular seizures.
A girl learns to walk and talk again after having a brain tumour removed and surgeon Dylan Murray hopes to put a smile back on her face. Plus, a boy has surgery on his cleft lip to improve his facial structure, and another patient undergoes weekly enzyme replacement treatment for his Hunter syndrome.
A girl who was born completely deaf undergoes a procedure aimed at helping her to hear for the first time, and a baby is finally allowed home after months in the hospital. A Tourette's sufferer also attends a number of sessions to familiarise himself with the condition.
Three-year-old Cianan has craniosynostosis and doctors hope to reshape his head, which is currently long and narrow, while another youngster undergoes an EEG scan to test for epilepsy. Plus, eight-year-old Morgan is in A&E after being knocked down on the way to school.
Infant Faye is placed in intensive care suffering with meningitis - a serious swelling of the lining around the brain and spinal cord. While she is kept under close observation, the staff of the neurosurgical ward prepare long-term patient Sarah for another procedure to reduce the curvature of her spine. In the emergency department, teenager David is suffering from a neck injury after falling down stairs in his school.
Following the journey of six-year-old Ben Kelly from Gorey, Co Wexford, who has been in the hospital many times before owing to a brain tumour. Consultant neurosurgeon Mr John Caird removed 95 per cent of the lump, and opted to monitor the remainder of the malignancy. However, he has decided the time is right to remove all of it, but complications arise when scans are reviewed. Meanwhile, two girls are admitted to the emergency department - Amber Valance, who requires attention after falling over concrete steps outside her home, and Maya Williams, who is experiencing breathing difficulties.
Ten-year-old Jack awaits a kidney transplant and discovers his mother is the perfect match, and 14-year-old Lorcan has surgery to fix a broken nose. Plus, six-month-old Kate's parents learn her cough is much more serious than first thought.
Following the journeys of three long-term patients, including teenager Kaitlin who undergoes a procedure to help her scoliosis. Meanwhile, five-year-old Lily arrives from Co Cork for further surgery to alleviate her migraines, and 14-year-old Cealan makes his 54th trip to theatre after swallowing caustic soda at the age of two.
A seven-week-old baby arrives at the hospital for further test after spending a week in Cork University Hospital. After seven days in the intensive care unit, she is diagnosed with whooping cough. While the parents prepare their child for an MRI scan the doctors question whether she has escaped any damage to her brain. Meanwhile, a six-year-old awaits an operation to remove her tonsils, and a boy arrives in the emergency department after getting a coin stuck between his teeth.
A 22-month-old toddler who was diagnosed with hip dysplasia at six weeks old must undergo surgery, in a bid to avoid developing a limp and arthritis in her early teens. Plus, a girl prepares to have prominent skin tags that are close to her ears removed.
Long-term patients arrive back in the hospital, including three-year-old Grace, who first became a patient when she was just two weeks old, and a boy who returns for a further procedure on his palate. Also in the hospital is two-year-old Luca, who has tongue-tie.
A 10-year-old boy undergoes a third procedure on his palate that will allow his adult teeth to grow, while a girl of the same age receives treatment for a hernia. Plus, a 13-year-old with a nasty rash hopes the medics can find a cure before his scheduled school trip to Barcelona.
Long-term patient Thomas, who was born with Beals syndrome, returns to the hospital. The condition is extremely rare and is characterised by the contracture of joints, and he is undergoing two surgeries and multiple physiotherapy sessions over four weeks to help him straighten his fingers. Also in the hospital is a two-year-old boy with a broken toe, and a four-year-old who fell over in nursery, leaving a large laceration on his forehead.
A three-month-old baby arrives in the hospital to undergo surgery on her head. She was born prematurely at 27 weeks and developed hydrocephalus, meaning there was water on her brain, but because of her size a reservoir was inserted, which now needs to be removed. Plus, a seven-year-old gets a mole taken off and a boy, aged 13, visits the Emergency Department after falling in school.
Following the story of Cillian who was diagnosed with Hirschsprung's disease at birth. It has caused damage to his large intestine and led to his inability to go to the toilet for himself, however after a seven month period and many procedures a final operation will make him completely independent. Also in the hospital is a 14-year-old girl from Co Westmeath who has a hole in her ear drum, and a nine-year-old boy who accidentally swallowed a coin.
The story of Megan O'Mahony, who was not expected to live long after she was born with a rare condition called holoprosencephaly, which prevents the foetal brain from developing correctly. Consultant plastic surgeon Professor Michael Earley recognised she was responsive to her environment and Megan has now survived numerous hospital visits and procedures, including having her cleft lip and palate repaired. This documentary follows her and her family as they prepare for her to undergo complex and invasive surgery to correct the shape of her skull bones.
Cameras observe the work of consultant surgeon John Gillick and his team as they continue to treat Kayla Pidgeon, two years after the youngster, then five years old, was admitted to the Dublin facility's A&E department having swallowed corrosive acid. With scar tissue repeatedly forming on her oesophagus, it has become clear that Kayla's problems are not yet over, so she and her family are set to travel to Rome in the hope that a breakthrough procedure will improve her condition.