It is of course important we all learn to go to the toilet... on the toilet. Is there a more important lesson in life? We don't think so.
Can you get dressed on your own? I hope so (seeing as you can read this). Enjoy this funky little number designed to make you move and children to appear from their bedrooms magically fully dressed.
We must try to eat lots of different colours at every meal. You can also try to get this song out of your head once you've heard it, but I doubt you will.
A song to remind us all that deep down people are all the same and there is no such thing as a boy or girl colour. 'Colours' is everyone's game!
No one family looks the same, they're all different and it's important for our children to realise other families are different from their own, but no less fantastic.
Although children are "just little" and "not the boss of many things", their body is something that they will always be in control of - nobody else can be the boss of that.
If we could remember to be friendly and gentle, to share and be courageous, imagine what a wonderful place the world would be.
The baby in mum's tummy is making mum "tired and sometimes a little cross". Teeny Tiny Stevies to the rescue! Let us help explain the excitement of having a new baby brother or sister on the way.
A song to help children understand the importance of a good night's sleep.
Build up the courage to do things you feel nervous about and you'll feel as light as a bubble!