Home / Series / TED Talks / Aired Order / Season 2017 / Episode 70

Katie Bouman: How to take a picture of a black hole

At the heart of the Milky Way, there's a supermassive black hole that feeds off a spinning disk of hot gas, sucking up anything that ventures too close -- even light. We can't see it, but its event horizon casts a shadow, and an image of that shadow could help answer some important questions about the universe. Scientists used to think that making such an image would require a telescope the size of Earth -- until Katie Bouman and a team of astronomers came up with a clever alternative. Bouman explains how we can take a picture of the ultimate dark using the Event Horizon Telescope.

  • Originally Aired April 4, 2017
  • Runtime 15 minutes
  • Content Rating United States of America TV-PG
  • Network YouTube
  • Created May 9, 2017 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified May 9, 2017 by
    Administrator admin
Name Type Role
Katie Bouman Guest Star