Attempt at your own risk. What happens when Ryan hot wires a bunch of things to a battery?
Ryan tries out a watch that is ‘smart’ by a very big stretch of the definition.
Ryan builds a stabbing machine to teach his kids about the real world. And earthquakes.
Let’s make a solution that’s more dangerous than the problem.
Have you ever tried to build your own personal computer?! I bet it sucked. Ryan will build a less sucky one.
What could possibly go wrong if Ryan live streams using one of his jury rigged machines?
You ever wonder what it’s like to fly? Ryan makes it possible.
Can a couple of PC fans, heat sinks, and ant. Peltier cool a soda can in 60 seconds?
You know what this Nerf Blaster from Fortnite needs? More power.
Let's get into detail about how to build a set up for streaming games!
Have you ever got wired a birthday card to a tiny door?
We’ve all seen those commercials for shock pads that make your muscles flex for you. Do they really work?
Sure you can buy air in a can. But we will harness the power of electronic wind with science!
Has Ryan found a bargain bin drone bent on world domination?