If you're blind and you have a printed document that contains information you need to read, how do you go about doing that? You might be fortunate enough to have someone around to read it to you - but what if there's no one to ask or perhaps you don't want someone reading your private information...well why not get a computer to read it instead. That's the basic idea behind Kurzweil's Reading Edge. Q) Why am I stood by the sea to talk about this device? A) Unfortunately a very elderly relative who cares for another very elderly immobile relative was taken into hospital so I spent the week as a live-in carer for the person left behind. As you can imagine this all happened suddenly, so before driving over to their house at the other side of the country I just had enough time to pack a few clothes and pick up my laptop and a camera. Fortunately I had some footage on the computer that I’d recorded a couple of months prior, so I passed the time while they were napping editing this video together. I shot the to-camera segments at a location a short walk from their house (after making sure they had everything they needed and a phone within reach). I recorded the footage outside as I couldn’t shoot indoors without my usual studio lighting. This video will have a few rough edges here and there, especially when it comes to the sound, but this was the best I could achieve in the circumstances.