Home / Series / TC Cribs / Aired Order / Season 1 / Episode 2
Home / Series / TC Cribs / Absolute Order / Season 1 / Episode 2

TC Cribs Tours Yelp Offices

Last week we debuted a new show on TechCrunch TV that took us on a whirlwind tour of Scribd, the popular document sharing website. Feedback to that episode was extremely positive, so we’re not wasting any time in bringing you another awesome tour of a hot tech company. This week’s blinged-out pad: Yelp. We’re still taking suggestions for more companies to check out, so feel free to leave your requests in the comments (be sure to tell us why it’s a great office!). And yes, we’re definitely interested in scoping out startups that don’t necessarily have millions in funding — provided your office has some character. We’ve also gotten a bunch of requests to check out offices in other parts of the country (I hear you, NYC), so we’ll do our best to get out there too. But for now, sit back and enjoy today’s episode. Make sure to listen to my insightful comments, like “Dog!”

  • Originally Aired February 3, 2011
  • Runtime 5 minutes
  • Network YouTube
  • Created August 7, 2015 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified August 7, 2015 by
    Administrator admin
Name Type Role
Jeremy Stoppelman Guest Star