Mito Yuuri ist ein Highschool-Schüler, dessen Vater einen Schrein leitet. Er interessiert sich für Autos und Motorräder, denkt jedoch daran, seinen Vater zu beerben, sobald er die Schule abgeschlossen hat. Eines Tages wird in der Schule ein altes Gefäß gefunden, von dem niemand weiß, was es ist, das Mito aber schon einmal im Schrein seiner Familie gesehen hat. Dort wird die Legende einer Gottheit namens Tayutama-sama erzählt, die über das Gebiet wachen soll, jedoch wie auch andere sogenannte "Tayutai" im Laufe der Zeit verschwunden ist. Bei der Feier zum Beginn des neuen Schuljahres erscheint ein mysteriöses Mädchen namens Mashiro vor ihm, die in Verbindung zu dem Fundstück und der Legende von Tayutayu-sama steht.
The story of Tayutama revolves around the male protagonist Yuri Mito, whose family manages the local Shinto shrine. One day during spring break, Yuri and his friends Ameri Kawai and Sankurou Kaname find in the school's woods a mysterious relic that was used in the past to seal the Tayutai, an ancient, mythological race.[1] Yuri discovers that the school board has determined that the relic is insignificant for preservation, and that it will be demolished to allow the school to expand.[1] After coming to the conclusion that destroying the relic may have adverse consequences, the trio attempts to relocate the relic's spirits. As Yuri performs the ritual, he summons Kikuramikami no Hime, a Tayutai goddess who explains to him the belligerent relationship between humans and Tayutai; Kikuramikami then incarnates as a young girl, Mashiro, in hopes of maintaining a mutual relationship with humans. Shortly afterwards, the relic is destroyed in an accident, releasing the entire race of Tayutai. Among them are Nue, Houou, and Ouryu, three influential Tayutai who hold humans in low regard and are referred to collectively as the "Three Mightiest" (三強 Sankyō?). Following the incident, Yuri takes Mashiro to the Yachimata Shrine to live with his family, and later finds Mashiro as a teenager, who proclaims herself to be Yuri's wife.[6]
In their attempt to create a world where humans and Tayutai can peacefully coexist, Yuri and Mashiro battle the members of the Three Mightiest in a successive, nonlinear order determined by the player's decisions. In one scenario, Nue, a young female Tayutai, begins to steal undergarments from the Flawless dormitories due to her curiosity in them. She is defeated by Mashiro and Mifuyu Kisaragi, and finds herself befriended by Mifuyu, who later begins to take care of her as a guardian. Yumina Takanashi, Yuri's stepsister, also begins to take care of Hou, an exhausted bird Tayutai who begins to nest on Yumina's head. Yumina is later attacked by O
L'histoire est centrée sur Yuuri Mito, un étudiant de l'Académie Sousei et le fils unique de l'homme qui dirige le temple Yachimata. À Yachimata, il y a une légende à propos d'une divinité appelée Tayutama-sama qui protégea la région, mais cette divinité et d'autres ainsi nommées "Tayutai" ont été oubliées avec le temps. Mito et ses amis découvrent une relique dans le sol de l'école, avec de mystérieux motifs. Dès lors, à la cérémonie d'ouverture de la nouvelle année scolaire, une tout aussi mystérieuse fille appelée Mashiro apparaît devant Mito. Mashiro est d'une certaine manière liée à la relique et à la légende de Tayutama-sama.
메이지 시대부터 이어져 내려온 명문 여학교 쿠라세이 학원에는 오랜 전통을 자랑하는 여자학부 '플로리스(flawless)'와 최근에 설립된 남녀공학의 일반학부 '슬라이틀리(slightly)'가 공존하고 있다.
슬라이틀리에 다니고 있는 소년 미토 유우리는 야치마타 신사의 아들로, 그 혈통 덕분에 신비한 능력을 갖고 있다. 어느날 교내에서 출토된 유적에서 500년간 봉인되어 있던 지역을 다스리는 수호신 '타유타이'와 만나게 된 유우리는 타유타이의 한 사람인 키쿠라미카미노히메로부터 그녀의 화신과도 같은 한 소녀를 맡게 된다. 마시로라는 이름을 받게 된 소녀와 함께 살게 된 유우리였지만, 신(神)이라고는 해도 아직 세상에 적응하지 못해 모든 것이 낯설기만 한 마시로 때문에 매일매일 작은 소동이 끊이지 않는데...
В один прекрасный день, обычный японский школьник Юури Мито, единственный сын смотрителя местного храма, находит древнюю реликвию со странным узором. Разумеется, тут же начинает твориться всякая божественная суета — на церемонии начала нового учебного года с Мито знакомится странная девушка по имени Маширо, которая наверняка как-то связана со свежеотрытым артефактом. А, надо сказать, по легенде местные земли находятся под защитой Таютаю, божества, приносящего либо удачу, либо несчастья — в зависимости от людского к себе отношения. Ну а потом загадочные девочки вообще начинают появляться в жизни главного героя одна за другой — и что с ними со всеми делать прикажете?
La historia se centra en el joven estudiante Yuri Mito, quien es el hijo único del encargado del templo Yachimata. En ese templo hay una leyenda sobre una deidad llamada Tayutayu-sama quien protege el área, pero esta deidad y otra así llamada Tayutai se han perdido en el tiempo. El joven Mito y sus amigos descubren una reliquia en los terrenos de la escuela con unos grabados misteriosos en ella. Después en la ceremonia de bienvenida de principio de año una chica igualmente misteriosa llamada Mashiro aparece frente a Mito. Esta chica está relacionada de alguna forma a la leyenda y a la reliquia.
身為八衢神社神主兒子的男主角 泉戶裕理則是屬於一般學部,在他開學前的春假,學院中正在進行的工程挖掘到了古文字的遺跡,卻認定其並無重要性、並且持續的進行工程作業。另一方面,認為繼續破壞將引起災難的裕理,於深夜潛入學院進行轉換神祇靈魂的儀式,並且出現化為狐狸耳女孩的神祇,故事也就由此展開。
Yuuri Mito é um típico adolescente japonês normal. Ele vai à escola, trabalha nas motos das pessoas e faz exorcismos. Ok, essa última parte é um pouco incomum, mas sua família mora em um santuário e eles fazem esse tipo de coisa...
La storia di Tayutama ruota attorno al protagonista maschile Yuri Mito, la cui famiglia gestisce il santuario shintoista locale. Un giorno, durante le vacanze di primavera, Yuri e i suoi amici Ameri Kawai e Sankurou Kaname trovano nei boschi della scuola una misteriosa reliquia che in passato è stata usata per sigillare i Tayutai, un'antica razza mitologica.
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