“걔네들도 똑같이 한 번 느껴봤으면 좋겠어요.” 학교폭력 피해자 정민(박준목)의 의뢰를 받고 기간제 교사로 변신한 도기(이제훈). 비장했던 등장과는 달리 학생들에게 돈이나 뜯기고 무시만 당하는데...
Jung-min is a student who lives with his deaf mother. When he transfers to a new school, violence begins. Even though he asks for help from the school administrators and the police, there is no one to save him from this nightmare. Therefore, Do-ki disguises himself as a teacher to sneak into the school. Meanwhile, Ha-na receives an envelope anonymously and discovers a case.
En ung pojke utsätts för våldsam mobbing av de andra eleverna i sin skola. I hopp om att få hämnd på sina mobbare kopplas taxifirman in. Do Gi infilterar skolan genom att utge sig för att vara lärare, men möter ett oväntat bakslag.
Do-ki se infiltra en una escuela como profesor sustituto luego de que un estudiante víctima de acoso severo solicita su ayuda.
Après avoir reçu l'appel à l'aide d'un jeune gravement brutalisé par des élèves de son lycée, Do-gi s'y fait engager comme professeur remplaçant.
Do-gi erhält einen Hilferuf von einem Schüler, der stark gemobbt wird, und ermittelt verdeckt in der Rolle eines Vertretungslehrers.