Whilst preparing photos for Riho's exhibit, Kanae comes to realise it may very well be the last big event she'll do with the photography club before she graduates. Wanting to make as many memories as possible, Kanae suggests they all go on a photography trip, which conveniently ties in with Kaori's plans to hold another exhibition like last year and Maon's parents inviting them to Mitarai to attend a concert. Whilst exploring Mitarai with Fū, Kanae meets a woman, becoming awed by her singing. Curious about what she should do after graduation, Kanae asks Fū and the others about what got them interested in their career paths, worrying that she doesn't have any inspiration of her own. Later at the concert, the woman Kanae saw before takes to the stage as part of a band that had inspired Maon to become an entertainer. This helps Kanae realise she has already had a turning point; the day she joined the photography club.
秋が訪れ、気がつくと卒業アルバム用に撮った写真もたくさん溜まっていました。 これまでに撮り溜めた写真を、楽しそうに見ている楓たち。 しかし、かなえだけ一人うつむいています…。 卒業アルバム用に撮った写真が増えたこと、それはかなえの卒業も近いということ。 残り少ない高校生活、そして写真部での活動に悔いが残らないようにと かなえはあることを思いつきます。それは、みんなで撮影旅行にいくことでした…。