Professor Aubrey Manning sets out to uncover the history of Britain's ever-changing landscape. This edition focuses on the Weald, investigating why so much woodland has survived here when so much ancient forest has been felled elsewhere. A trip to the Mary Rose and Nelson's Victory reveals the full story of the Weald and its valuable timber.
Professor Aubrey Manning sets out to uncover the history of Britain's ever-changing landscape. In this edition from the Yorkshire Dales, he journeys deep underground to discover the secrets of dry stone walls. And up on Ribble Head, he finds a startling clue to the role played by the Vikings in shaping the region.
Aubrey Manning sets out to uncover the history of Britain's ever-changing landscape. He investigates whether the Fens - flat, drained farmland - are a completely man-made landscape, and uncovers a 17th-century aristocratic plan gone horribly wrong. Plus, the secret of the Roman occupation - the Fens' hidden prehistoric hills.