Meet Brühn! Brühn is a mighty hero, he survives by landing critical hits over and over and being extremely lucky on his very unpredictable journey. He is the only character who shows up in all the episodes we have produced so far, in "The Reward" he loses the map to Vito and Wilhelm, in "The First Hero" he finds the map and in the comic.... well you will see for yourself in this update ;) He loves himself very much, swings his sword and rides his horse looking fabulous. He comes from the Fortress of Mol, which is a place where heroes take vacation and eventually settle. His father, Bruno the Third, has send Brühn and his many siblings out in the world in order to find the greatest treasures. The one that comes back with the most incredible treasure will get the kingdom. Brühn is much more focused on finding the next area with sun where he can get a tan or get praised by the people of little villages. He loves flirting and showing off and he usually chooses the easiest way out of situations. He has been in many adventures facing hydras and villains but never with his own good will - it has always been by accident or because of a fair lady he couldn´t say no to. Brühn is a great choice if you want to see a mighty hero with a touch of fabulous.