Eddie must save his younger brother from the infamous Queen’s Hotel, a place known for its unsavoury guests from both the living and spirit worlds. Eddie finds his brother inebriated and under the spell of a mysterious white man with a devilish grin.
In order to make a quick dollar, Stoner Savanna and her best friend Dee decide to steal from their ancestors’ graves in a traditional burial ground. Little do they know, they may have brought home more than they bargained for!
When Goatman feels down about his lack of dating skills, Cecil suggests that the two of them attend a Halloween party on their reserve to see if they can find him a date. Unfortunately for Goatman and Cecil, mayhem quickly ensues!
When a group of friends decides to camp and party by the river, strange things start to occur. The group is visited by water spirits who demand their respect. If the group doesn’t obey, they will suffer the consequences
On the long, bumpy road home from a party, cousins Wendell and Cecil pass a beautiful hitchhiker who catches their attention. The cousins offer her a ride, but they soon learn that she has dark intentions.
Jacob is spiralling out of control with his alcohol addiction, but he’s too proud to ask for help. While on a bender near a traditional burial ground, he unknowingly crosses over into the spirit world and is forced to confront his childhood trauma.