Izzy und Tamaki verhelfen Seigi zur Flucht. Doch dieser entscheidet sich, sich doch noch einmal der Prinzessin zu stellen.
Izzy and the others race through the ruins... and find Justice skewered on a bed of spikes. Worse yet, his overuse of his tattoo powers has weakened his regenerative ability, leaving him on the verge of death. Izzy and Tamaki tell Tom to take him and flee while they face off against Arya to buy him more time. When Justice realizes that Izzy and the others are fighting to save him, he knows that he was wrong to become so obsessed with vengeance, and his mind turns toward saving them instead...
C'est l'heure de l'affrontement final entre Seigi et Âryabhata. Qui en sortira victorieux ?
Es hora de resolver todas las cuentas pendientes de Seigi y vengarse por todo lo que ha tenido que sufrir hasta este momento.
È giunto il momento della resa dei conti fra Seigi e la Principessa Arya, anche se il nostro eroe pare aver già consumato tutto il suo potere.