As the Vermindoom rips through the fabric of reality, the Skaven descend upon the Mortal Realms in a horde of chittering fangs and the whirring of unstable technologies. But in the heartlands of the Realm of Beasts, a Warband of Ironjawz has roared forth to meet this skittering tide with jagged metal and unbridled violence. And with the fabled Grey Seer Thanquol rumoured to be at the head of this influx of the rat-things, the promise of a mighty champion to slay is too much to resist for the Fist of Gork himself. Greenskins and Ratmen now meet in the fields of Ghur, but will it be eldritch weaponry and rabid hordes, or ferocity and martial brutality, that secure victory in this corner of the Mortal Realms?