Chris tritt Division 2 endlich bei, und sie bringt wertvolle Informationen mit, nämlich den Namen des Projekts, an dem Phine arbeitet. Doch bevor die Mädchen die Pläne vereiteln können, tauchen vier riesige Noise am Himmel über Tokyo auf.
Ryoko is attacked by some American terrorists while hacking information off on Finé's computer, but she kills them using Black Arts, though takes some damage in doing so. As Chris and Genjuro come across the scene, Genjuro helps Chris understand what her parents fought for. As the Second Division investigates a clue given to them by Chris, Kadingir, a group of large airborne Noise appears over Tokyo Sky Tower, with Chris arriving to assist Hibiki and Tsubasa. Despite some hostility from Chris, Hibiki helps her and Tsubasa get along and together they defeat the Noise. Afterwards, however, Hibiki receives a distressing call from Miku that the academy is under Noise attack.
Chris dit à Genjûrô qu'elle a entendu que Kadingir était complète. La deuxième division des affaires spéciales doit se renseigner pour savoir comment répliquer, quand une attaque de Noise volants menace la ville.