Von einem Moment auf den nächsten verschelchtert sich Yuukis Zustand. Asuna eilt sofort zu ihr ins Krankenhaus.
After a guild gathering which lead into a won boss fight and a timeline with background music Asuna comes home and sees that she recieved a message from Yuuki's doctor saying her condition got worse. Asuna immediately runs to her hospital. Arriving there she get's told that Yuuki's heart already stopped once. Yuuki wakes up and Asuna meets her using the Amu Sphere the next room in Alfheim Online at the tree they first met. Yuuki binds her original sword skill which is called "Mother's Rosario" to a scroll and gives it to Asuna as she knows she does not have much time left. Other members of the Sleeping Knights arrive and gather around her. After they spoke their last words hundreds of other players gather around the tree praying for Yuuki. She says to her friends that she may found her meaning in life and is in spite of all the pain in her life now at least happy in her last moments. At Yuuki's death watch Asuna and Siune meet up. Siune tells her she recovered from her disease the day after Yuuki died and got released from hospital. Kirito and Yuuki's doctor arrive and they figure out that the Medicuboid was designed by Kayaba Akihiko. After the outro Kirito and Asuna are sitting in a park meeting their friends in real life.
Le condizioni di Yuuki si aggravano improvvisamente e Asuna deve correre in ospedale prima che sia troppo tardi.
행복했던 잠깐의 시간들. 하지만 예정된 작별은 기어이 찾아오고 만다. 유우키가 위독하다는 연락을 받은 아스나는 한달음에 병원으로 달려가고... 마지막 작별인사를 위해 둘은 다시 가상세계로 다이브한다.
Ao conhecer o mundo real, os dias de Yuuki são muito mais satisfatórios que nunca. Em ALfheim Online, os jogadores fazem um churrasco que acaba numa missão. De volta ao mundo real, Asuna e as garotas visitam Kyoto. No entanto, tudo muda depois da Asuna receber uma mensagem...
El estado de salud de Yuuki empeorará y esto hará que todos se reúnan a reconocer lo que sienten por ella. A pesar de su gravedad, su situación servirá de ayuda para millones de personas.