Kirito uns Sinon schreiben sich für das Bullet of Bullets Turnier ein und Kirito muss seinen ersten echten Kampf in GGO bestehen.
Kirito and Sinon arrive at the General Governor's Office and go to the terminals to register. Kirito is surprised that the registration asks for his real-life information, and he leaves the fields blank. He is then registered into the same block as Sinon, and both are able to make it to the finals due to the ladder arrangement. Before they can enter BoB, however, there is a qualifying preliminary. While waiting for the preliminary round to begin, Kirito reveals his gender after an embarrassing incident with Sinon in the changing room, and this creates a rift between them. Sinon demands that he make it to the finals so she can defeat him there, then proclaims her intention of "kill[ing] all the strong ones", which causes Kirito to briefly suspect her of being Death Gun. They then meet up with Kyōji in his GGO avatar, Spiegel. When Kirito is transferred to his first battle, he is initially put off-balance in the gunfight, but is able to defeat his first opponent using his Photon Sword. Upon returning to the preliminary waiting area, he is confronted by Death Gun, who Kirito feels he recognizes. He then catches a glimpse of a tattoo on Death Gun's wrist and recognizes it as the mark of the SAO Red Player guild "Laughing Coffin".
Après avoir terminé leur inscription au BoB, Kirito et Sinon sont affectés au bloc F du tournoi préliminaire. Ils se font la promesse de se battre de toutes leurs forces si jamais les deux arrivaient en finale. Mais c'est alors que Kirito doit révéler qu'il est en fait un garçon, ce qui lui attire la hargne et l'inimité de Sinon, se sentant trahie...
Kirito e Sinon si iscrivono al Torneo BoB e Kirito deve affrontare i primi scontri di GGO.
키리토의 기지로 시논과 키리토는 아슬아슬하게 BoB 참가 신청을 마친다. 그러나 긴장을 풀 찰나도 없이 시논은 키리토의 진짜 성별을 알게 되고 깜짝 놀라게 되는데.
Para se inscrever no BoB, Kirito precisa dar informações como seu nome e endereço reais ou não vai ter direito ao grande prêmio. Meio confuso, ele ainda precisa enfrentar grandes jogadores no torneio de um jogo em que ainda é iniciante.
Kirito y Sinon se preparan para entrar al torneo de Bullet of Bullets, sin embargo aún es tiempo de seguir comprendiendo las bases de la competición para empezar a idear una estrategia.
桐人與詩音一起到了總統府,報名參加能贏得這遊戲「最強」稱號的比賽『Bullet of Bullets』。這一切都是為了出名,讓死槍盯上他。首先,在換衣服準備參加預賽的時候,桐人自我介紹,讓詩音知道他是男的,結果被華麗的打了一巴掌。