Sinon und ihre Kameraden versuchen eine PvE-Spielergruppe zu überfallen und müssen dabei eine böse Überraschung erleben.
In a flashback, on September 14, 2025; Sinon, who had accidentally fallen down a trap chute while navigating a dungeon below SBC Gurokken, discovered a boss-class monster and decided to die while trying to defeat it. To her surprise, the position she chose for her attack was out of the monster's attack range, thus, by conserving her ammo and accurately hitting the boss's weak spot, she was eventually able to defeat it and acquired a new sniper riffle, the PGM Ultima Ratio Hecate II.
After Sinon successfully attacked the first target of another squadron for her own's, she attempted to snipe the second target, but that giant man named "Behemoth" manage to dodge the bullet, took out a heavy machine gun, which was hidden under his cloak, and started fighting back with its overwhelming power which cornered Sinon and those in her squadron. But in the aftermath of battle Sinon emerged victorious even if her left leg was cut-off in the process.
Meanwhile, in Alfheim, Kirito planned to tell Asuna about something.
Sinon, un des meilleurs snipers de tout GGO, rejoint l'escadrille de Dyne, partant à l'attaque d'un groupe de joueurs revenant de la chasse aux monstres...
Tempo addiatro Sinon, all'interno di un dungeon, sconfiggendo il mostro posto a guardia di esso, ottiene una Ultima Ratio Hecate II, che oggi utilizza in una missione che la vede battersi con un osso duro di nome Behemoth, che mette a dura prova le sue abilità di cecchino.
팀의 작전에 따라 오늘도 몬스터만 잡는 스쿼드론을 노리게 된 시논. 그러나 상대방 일행 중에는 수수께끼의 망토남이 포함되어있었으니…
Sinon continua jogando com o objetivo de ser a mais forte apesar dos rumores sobre as mortes reais assombrarem os jogadores do GGO. Enquanto isso, Kirito toma sua decisão.
Sinon se reúne con un grupo de cazadores de jugadores para poder asistirlos en su aventura. La mejor francotiradora de GGO tendrá que arreglárselas para que la misión salga de acuerdo al plan.