A speeding train is heading straight for a truck that's stuck on a level crossing. Criminals ram-raid a pharmacy in search of drugs. And a motorcyclist's tricky manoeuver in the Sydney Harbour Tunnel almost ends in tragedy.
A young woman is harassed in a tunnel by a menacing 40-ton truck, and there's nowhere to escape. Drivers going the wrong way cause havoc on major freeways. And a young man narrowly misses death at a railway station.
An argument outside a car park turns into a massive brawl, a road rage incident leads to a driverless runaway car, graffiti vandals are caught by CCTV, and a man risks his life on the freeway to change a tyre.
A thief shows CCTV cameras more than he intended, a man dices with death at a train station, and in the battle between bike rider and boom pole, boom pole always wins.
A traffic hold-up has hundreds of drivers heading the wrong way towards speeding vehicles, police pursue a criminal through busy inner-city Melbourne, and CCTV operators know that the full moon always brings trouble.
An extraordinary moment as a child slips through the cracks between a platform and a train. A man takes a deadly walk through a tunnel and brings the city to a standstill. Caught on camera, a house explodes on the back of a truck, plus hilarious CCTV of one of our worst drivers trying to exit a parking lot.
High speed surveillance from Victoria Police Airwing monitor a wanted man, a drunk driver leaves a trail of destruction at a Wilson car park and a car is clipped by a truck in the Sydney Harbour Tunnel and spins 180 degrees. Then, a woman attempts to steal nursery items disguised as a baby in a stolen pram and a man is distracted talking on his phone and falls onto the train tracks.
A man attempts to take a dangerous shortcut across a platform at a train station, slips and knocks himself out on the tracks. Cameras in Melbourne's Burnley Tunnel notice something completely unexpected dodging traffic - a kitten. Melbourne Police track a stolen vehicle from the ground and air in a dangerous high speed chase from Ballarat to Melbourne. Then, three vandals play with their lives as they graffiti a train in Adelaide.
Cameras in Perth's eastern suburbs capture a stranger dramatically resuscitating a baby in a busy supermarket. In a metropolitan Brisbane store two thieves break in at night and steal high-end goods but leave behind their DNA. A disorientated man stumbles onto the tracks seconds before a train arrives. Then, a truck on fire in the Sydney Harbour Tunnel quickly becomes a deadly situation.
A cyclist gambles with his life when he travels in the wrong direction down the Sydney Harbour Tunnel, Melbourne Police head on a high- speed chase to capture a stolen van and a woman becomes trapped in her car when she flips it in a car park. Then, cameras capture a mother's worst nightmare when her baby in a pram rolls onto the tracks.
A man dangles his child over train tracks and a brazen man attempts to steal a snake.
Traffic operators are shocked when they spot the lifeless body of a man being pulled out of a car on a Sydney motorway late at night. A Melbourne mother goes into a bizarre rage.