In the first episode Supernanny visits The Jeans Family. The Jeans Family has an active family of five in Denver, Colorado. David and Barbara Jeans have been married for 16 years. The couple both have three girls don't show any mercy on the middle-aged pair. Andra, who is 4 1/2 years old. Andra dominates the whole family by her family with her selfish demands, tantrums, and violent outbursts that feature hitting and kicking anything and anyone in her way.
Bryce and Jen Bullard are a Colorado couple who are struggling to manage a busy plumbing business and raise two unruly children. The Bullard household is chaotic, with work phones ringing off the hook and kids screaming late into the night. Jen is at the breaking point, as she tries to juggle her roles as secretary, homemaker and mother. The Bullard boys, two-year-old Rylan and six-year-old Brycie, have full rein of the house. Brycie constantly talks back to his parents, and baby Rylan refuses to sleep in his crib, shrieking at the top of his lungs at the mention of bedtime and spending hours delaying it. Jen and Bryce have very different views of parenting; Jen is more lenient, while Dad is quick to punish. In order for Bryce and Jen to gain control of their household, they must learn get on the same page with their discipline and follow the Supernanny method.
Parents Shawn and Tammy Orm have lost control of their three sons. Eight-year-old Chandler talks back to his parents and has an attitude problem. Caden, who is six, has a nasty habit of beating up his younger brother, Declan. He also refuses to eat during mealtimes, choosing instead to throw tantrums. Three-year-old Declan is quickly learning to emulate his older brothers' bad behavior. In addition, his favorite pastime is sneaking out of the house to wander the neighborhood unsupervised. Stay-at-home mom Tammy is a softie and refuses to discipline her boys, letting them get away with murder. Video technician Shawn takes a tougher approach, often yelling at his sons, but that doesn't curb their naughtiness either. When parents lose hope and are desperate for answers, there's just one person to call.
John and Melora Wischmeyer are a hard-working couple with three children. John works long hours as a civil engineer, and Melora took a marketing job where she could work at home to enjoy time with her children. However, the time spent is anything but enjoyable. Their four-year-old twin daughters, Alaia and Ashlyn, do everything in their power to control their parents. During the day, Alaia runs rampant around the house. She hits, she screams and is downright defiant. Any discipline Melora tries to dish out, Alaia simply ignores. When nighttime arrives, it's Ashlyn's turn to act up. She adamantly resists bedtime and repeatedly runs out of her room, throwing things and having wild tantrums. Complicating the issue is nine-year-old son Jared, a quiet, smart boy who often is punished for his sisters' misbehavior. Jared is becoming increasingly frustrated by this situation, though John and Melora haven't noticed yet
Meet insurance salesman Fred Weston and his wife, Andrea, a homemaker and schoolteacher. The Westons are a loving, hardworking family with a big problem - a ferocious four-year-old named Andrew. Little Andrew rules the Weston house, and it's a reign of terror. He topples lawn furniture, calls his mother ""Poo-poo"" and bullies his eleven-month-old brother, Sean, in countless ways. Well-intentioned Fred and Andrea find themselves at their limit. They acknowledge that their tactics have been futile, but how to break the cycle and regain control? It's Supernanny to the rescue! She'll serve young Andrew a spoonful of respect and the parents an important lesson about consistency.
Bill and Stacie Bailey have demanding jobs and an even more demanding family. Bill is a police officer, and Stacie teaches at the local elementary school. But when they return from long days on the job, the real work begins - raising Billy and Jadyn, ages two and six. ""Billy can be very sweet - then there's the devil,"" says Stacie referring to her son's epic tantrums. Daughter Jadyn, according to Stacie, is ""already hitting the moodiness of puberty,"" plus the youngster has a major sleeping problem. She sleeps everywhere but her own bed, preferring her parents' room or even the hallway floor! Will Bill be able to police his children's behavior? How can educator Stacie teach her children respect and discipline?
Robert (34) and Evelina (26) Gorbea have lost control of their family, and the power is in the hands of their two-year-old son, Adam. The toddler constantly latches onto his mother and explodes into ear-busting tantrums when he's denied her attention. He also refuses to go to sleep in his crib, often keeping Evelina up until the wee hours of the night. This monopoly of mom's time leaves Adam's siblings, daughter Meya (8) and son Demetrius (9), feeling neglected. Is Robert not helpful enough or is Evelina afraid to let her last baby grow up?
Scott and Jennifer Ririe have their hands full with their four children -- daughter Selia (9) and sons Hallden (7), Blake (3), and Broden(1). Scott and Jennifer have two completely different outlooks on how their children should be parented. By far their most troublesome child is the reckless and defiant Blake. Every time Jennifer looks away, he makes a beeline for the front door and dashes out across the busy street to play with a neighbor friend. In public, Jennifer also has no control over Blake. He refuses to stay with her and runs off constantly; and when she chases after him, she leaves her other children unattended. While Jennifer is fearful for Blake's safety, Scott doesn't have a problem with this situation, often laughing it off. The parents also disagree about their children's eating habits. Both let the kids snack whenever they want, but Jennifer wants that to change. Scott has the opposite view, saying that they should be able to snack as much as they want. Blake loves to
Jason and Karen Collins live in Northamptonshire, U.K. with their four unruly children who run the house by mob rule. Ten-year-old Ben, Lauren (nine), Joshua (six) and Joseph (four) keep their stay-at-home mom on her toes all day. Dad Jason is the manager of a British bakery and often doesn't return home from work until 8:00 p.m. or later. Ben and Joseph, the oldest and youngest, are not only aggressive and destructive, but decide to be the first children ever to prove that Supernanny's techniques won't work. After Jo witnesses the Collins kids exhibiting bad behavior -- ranging from regular use of the ""f"" word to spitting and smashing up the house -- she introduces her strict zero tolerance regime. The children are separated into different naughty zones when they misbehave, and toys and luxury items are confiscated for infractions. Jo not only encounters great resistance from the children, but, surprisingly, tears from mum and dad, as she teaches the family how to get on track with th
The Burnetts are in over their heads. With five kids, including Zachary (8) and two sets of twins -- Joseph and John (3) and Michael and Molly (16 months) -- this is a family consumed by chaos. A self-employed, stay-at-home dad, Michael, is struggling to find a balance between work and family. Mom Joanne is a schoolteacher who comes home every afternoon to four needy toddlers who want all of her attention and a household full of chores that Dad has deemed ""woman's work."" Jo enters the equation with a master plan for this family to organize their lives and wake up to the reality of their situation. Jo's ultimate goal: reduce the chaos, add structure to an unbalanced routine and give the parents the tools to manage their clingy brood
Homemaker Colleen Christiansen and her husband Chris, who works in insurance sales, have boys gone wild. Seven-year-old Corey and three-year-old Chase challenge their parents regularly with behavior that includes kicking, pinching, biting, backtalk and general disrespect. The boys can be destructive to the home, and the whole family has a tendency to shout. In addition, young Chase still uses a baby bottle. Jo Frost comes to the rescue, and foremost on her agenda are showing the parents how to communicate their expectations to the children without shouting and the importance of presenting a united front when it comes to discipline
This special,airing at a special time wednesday 5/11 at 10pm, will update supernannies loyal viewers on all the families that appeared on the show over the first season.....
Frank and Danielle Minyon have their hands full with Frank, 7, and Skylar, 3 who dominates the family with her massive tantrums ensuring that she always gets her way. Danielle, now a stay at home mom, had to quit her job when the daycare refused to admit Skylar back into its program. Is Jo up to the challenge?
Kathy Webb is a working mother. Arthur Webb spends much of each day on the road. They have three young children, one of whom has Down's Syndrome.
The wife of a National Guardsman stationed in Afghanistan seeks assistance from Jo in dealing with her three aggressive sons.
Judy and Ed Larmer call on Jo to help them address the destructive behavior of their four children. When Jo discovers the source of the family’s unrest will Judy and Ed be able to make the necessary changes?
The British Cooke Family presents Jo with one of her toughest challenges to date. Nine-year old Meghann terrorizes her sisters Gabriella, 6, and Erin, 4. The frustrated parents rarely take the family out in public for fear of causing a scene. Has Jo finally met her match?
Michael and Lorraine Amaral own a restaurant and work there seven days a week. This leaves little time to spend with their three rambunctious boys who run amok in the restaurant bothering both customers and employees.
Supernanny Jo Frost teams up with autism expert Lynn Koegel to give the Facentes and their 4-year-old twin daughters the tools they need to communicate with Tristin, 3 years old, who is autistic.
A Navy SEAL is rigorously trained to take whatever the enemy can throw at him. These guys are tough, make no mistake… until, that is, they’re confronted by badly behaved four year old twins!
Five year old kickboxer Matthew is too much to handle, so Jo Frost has Laura Bradbury enlist the help of her son's stepfather in helping with the discipline.
Meet the Tsironis twins! Weighing in at just a pound each at birth they had a fairly shaky start in life - but have made up for it ever since with their larger-than-life personalities! Much to four year old Kate's disaproval, the rambunctious three year olds are running riot over Mom and Dad. Check out how Supernanny has taught the Tsironis family some valuable lessons in discipline and reward.
A single mother of five tries to get a college degree. Cheryl Carsley is a divorced mother of five: Chantal, 7; twins Nicolas and Caleb, 5; and twins Bobby and Elijah, 4. The children fight with each other almost constantly, and are abusive and disrespectful with their mother. They also trash their home on a regular basis, including routinely writing on the walls. Cheryl realizes that the kids need personal attention from her, but she is so busy stopping them from destroying the house and each other that she doesn't have quality time with any of them. Jo forms family teams pairing an older twin with a younger one and the girl with the mom. They work together doing chores to gain points for prizes.
Kathy and Steve both work full-time and Kathy’s sister, Donna, helps raise the couple’s four tearaway children. Donna, though, isn’t much of a disciplinarian and the children are running wild...
The Silva kids are a big unruly gang which the parents can’t control and, with dad soon to be deployed to Iraq, Danielle fears that she’ll be swamped by the foul-mouthed, badly behaved kids. Supernanny is up against the numbers this time!
Shift work means that dad, Sherman, looks after the three Young children during the day before handing them over to mum, Joelle, at 4.30pm every day. With the parents hardly seeing each other throughout the week, much of the childminding duty falls upon eldest boy, Dylan (aged 13). His siblings, though, are too much to handle.
Harmony by name but definitely not by nature! Three tearaway boys - Jake (aged 11), Ian (aged 5) and Grant (aged 3) - battle among themselves and with their parents 24 hours a day!
Alec and Bryce ignore their mother’s attempts at discipline and now their one year old baby sister, Carly, is picking up on the bad behaviour. Mum, Toni, is worrying that things are spiralling out of control, but Dad, Tim, just seems to be making matters worse!
Lisa and Terry Jackson have triplets: five year old Will, Ethan and Isabella. Mum finds her terrible trio disruptive and impossible to control, while dad spends most of the week working away from home. Exhausted and unable to cope, Lisa needs help. Can Supernanny offer a solution?
Separated couple, Vicki and Aaron, have joint custody of their two sons, Aaron (aged 12) and Kobe (aged 5). The young ‘uns are nearly always on their best behaviour for dad but mum gets a raw deal...
A stay-at-home dad is ignorant and has to take care of two young boys who exhibit aggressive, selfish and abusive behavior.
In the explosive third season premiere of Supernanny, Jo takes on the Bowerstock family, dealing with the high levels of aggression and stress in this household. Mom and dad need all the help they can get to tame their three wild kids, who literally laugh in mom's face when she tries to discipline them.
The Weinsteins need help. Dad David is a trucker, sometimes away from home as many as 10 days in a row, and stay-at-home mom Chia can’t control the children. When she tries to correct them, her kids respond by hitting and kicking her, cursing and other aggressive behavior.
In Supernanny's first-ever vacation episode, Jo Frost surprises the Fager family with a beachside holiday in Florida. Stacie and Joe Fager are the proud parents of a blended family in Iowa, but with six children, they both feel overwhelmed and exhausted. Joe is a truck driver and full-time student, and he’s gone most of the week. Stacie, a stay-at-home mom, has a hard time controlling the children, so she hardly ever leaves home with the kids in tow, and family vacations are a rarity.
With five boisterous boys in a small house, Ken and Vania have reached the end of their rope - and possibly the end of their marriage. Vania has filed divorce papers and Jo Frost is the family’s last hope for reconciliation - if this doesn’t work, Vania will move forward with the divorce.
Donna Mihalik is a single mom who’s been through multiple ordeals over the last four years. Her son survived a two-year, all-consuming battle with leukemia. But soon afterwards, Donna’s husband Steve suddenly died. Left alone to bring up their four children, Donna was so depleted she lost control of the kids.
Marine biologists Will and Michelle Smith are clueless when it comes to raising their two sons, Nate, 3, and Ari, 18 months. The couple’s energy translates into endless fun for the boys – but discipline is non-existent and without a settled bedtime routine both children are keeping their parents up till late at night. Will and Michelle are worn out – can Supernanny help them find a solution or will they remain at the mercy of their boisterous boys?
Tiny tyrant Sean is the alpha male in the Haines family – and mom Suzanne, dad Shane and big brother Seth, 10, are wilting under his aggression. Crying, hitting, spitting, punching, kicking and biting are Sean’s preferred methods of communication and when Seth fights back it just makes things worse. Suzanne and Shane cope by opting out of parenthood and letting the boys get on with it – and boredom breeds mischief! Can Supernanny help them re-connect with their kids and take back the power?
The four Nitti boys are at war with each other and their Mom. Darren, 10, Matthew, 8, Devin, 6, and Jared, 5, are so violent they leave serious welts and scars on each other and their mom Lisa. Lisa doesn’t know how to manage her kids without resorting to anger or threats to call boyfriend John, who uses intimidation to tame the terrors. Mealtimes, car journeys and bedtimes are a disaster – but when Jo Frost tries to implement change, John constantly resists her techniques and angrily confronts her. Can Jo help this family stop the violence?
John and Denise Bruno have their hands full with their four girls. Dad’s got issues with teens Mariah and Taylor, while Mom’s fed up with the two youngest, Bella and Sam. Matters are complicated by Mariah’s cerebral palsy. With tension at an all-time high, Supernanny must play a dual role: peacemaker and family relationship counselor…
Newly-divorced Dad of four Brian McAfee has shut himself off from his kids and friends while he mourns his broken marriage. The house is a disaster and discipline is non-existent. Worse of all, Brian has totally lost touch with what makes his kids tick… he’s uncomfortable doing ‘girly’ things with his daughters and is baffled by his son’s struggle with schoolwork. For his sake and his kids’ future, Jo must shake him out of his grief and get him out of the house and back in the world again...
Karolee and Jay Goins have a beautiful young family with a not-so-pretty problem… Mom, pregnant with number four, is completely exhausted by her brood’s out-of-control behavior. Khalin, 7, has attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); Kolben, 5, is overly aggressive and little Kadance, 2, is learning all of her big brothers’ worst tricks. To make matters even more difficult for Karolee, dad Jay acts like a kid himself most of the time. Can Supernanny help Karolee turn things around – and get Dad more involved in parenting?
Single mom Jency Williams has three unruly children: Bradley (12 years old), Kelsey (10 years old), and Hagen (5 years old). Jency works two jobs to make ends meet, drops the children at her grandparents' house, so that they can take care of the kids while she is at work. The children are calm and respectful with their great-grandparents, Hal and Carolyn, who are in their seventies. Hal and Carolyn ask Supernanny, Jo Frost, to come and teach their granddaughter Jency to discipline her own children.
Anthony and Alice Walker have their hands full. They have three children – Anthony Jr, 12, Naleila, 6, and Alyssa, 17 months, plus Marcus, a nephew who lives with them full-time – and run a daycare business in their home. Mom’s outsized personality and attitude has rubbed off on the kids, and they’re doing whatever they want. Unsure of how to regain control, she resorts to chasing them around the house trying to mete out discipline. Anthony Jr is a master of backchat, and Naleila and Alyssa spend their nights snuggled up with Mom and Dad. Alice wants help to set boundaries… and Dad’s just looking for a good night’s sleep! Will Jo succeed in turning the Walkers around?
Jo tries to help an overwhelmed mother and a father who gives in to the bossiness of their three children.
Jo helps a mother with four young children and a husband who's always out late with friends.
Donna and Billy Jo Drake’s three children – Josie, 4, and 3-year-old twins Jared and Justin – are adorable… but so lively Mom and Dad are terrified to let their guard down for even a second in case the kids race off! Mom and Dad want nothing more than to pile their children into their sparkling new RV and hit the road for a family camping trip, but they’re so overprotective with the kids that even a walk induces parental panic. Can Supernanny get this family road-trip ready?
Supernanny has gotten the call from the Chapman Family… but not from Mom and Dad! Teenagers Brittany, 16, and Moriah, 14, are worn out by taking care of their kid brothers while they keep house and homeschool themselves. So where are their parents and why are they AWOL? Supernanny answers the $64,000 question…
Who rules the roost in the Schumacher family? Not mom Teri and dad Brian, that’s for sure. It’s kids in control in this home – but when Supernanny Jo Frost discovers the clueless parents are letting their daughters chat with total strangers online, it’s clear that chore wars and backchat are the least of Teri and Brian’s troubles…
Angela and Forrest Duan-Ahn have their kids completely overscheduled, with over 40 activities a week for Christopher, 9, Isabella, 7, twins Lawrence and Benjamin, 6, and Charlotte, 4. Mom and dad reckon they’re helping their kids by exposing them to so many lessons – but they’re all exhausted and stressed out. Can Jo help simplify this family’s hectic life?
A single father needs Jo's help with his two sons, ages 5 & 11 when his parenting skills seem to be lacking.
The lines of communication between Brenda and Bill Dostal have shut down. When it comes to discipline, they’re not even in the same book much less on the same page. And it means their kids feel free to do whatever they want…
Supernanny has her most fiery face-off ever with a checked-out mom who has let things go for too long at home. Jo has some salty words for Lisa Daniels when Lisa chooses to ignore the chaos and let her kids run wild…
Pop star and stay-at-home mom Wendy Wilson is a pushover as far as her toddler sons are concerned – but dad Dan, a former rock singer, longs for clear-cut rules. With newborn twins wearing them out, Wendy and Dan have clued into the fact that their current parenting style just doesn’t work…
Holly and Jimmy Tafoya can’t quite figure out why cursing, spanking and washing their kids’ mouths out with soap aren’t working as discipline tactics. And when Supernanny steps in, Holly shows her the door!
Kadi Prescott just can’t get close to her seven kids: she loses her temper with son Daniel, 7, who has ADHD; and relies on daughter Marli, 8, to be ‘mini-mom’. Can Jo help her fight her past and heal the emotional rift in her family?
Lisa and Rich Banjany run a successful business but although they’re their own bosses when it comes to work, their kids – twins Cameron and Zoe, 5, and Blake, 3 – have definitely staged a hostile takeover when it comes to family life. Can Jo help?
The McKeevers seem to have it all: a big house, nice cars and two gorgeous sons… who have trash talk and home demolition down to a fine art. Can Jo help the McKeevers get control of their boys?
Since Grandpa died, the Addis family has fallen apart. Dad definitely isn’t in charge and mom is coming under attack from their four children. Enter Supernanny, with a surprise the family will never forget!
The four Citarella kids, ages 7, 6, 3 and 1, run rings round mom Debbie – but instead of tackling the problems she focuses on the funny side. Dad Joe just puts in his earplugs when the noise gets to be too much! Can Jo get Debbie to take her kids’ bad behavior seriously?
The Schrages haven’t slept in the same bed in for eight years due to their children’s bed hopping, and mom and dad Christy and Kyle are too timid to set limits and enforce boundaries. Can Supernanny help these parents grow backbones?
The Clause kids – Brandon, 10, and Caila, 8 – are ‘tweenage terrors’: disrespectful, manipulative and resentful… but the key to change rests with mom (a total pushover) and dad (too laid back). Can Jo help them get a grip on their kids?
With her husband Sindo away in Iraq, Michelle Martinez is home alone for months at a time with three rambunctious children. She’s totally overwhelmed and the kids’ behavior is spiraling out of control. Can Supernanny show her how to cope with the pressure?
Mom’s busy with her real estate business and dad's busy with his duties as a preacher. But no one’s busy with the kids – and it shows...
Little Lizzie Doyle, 3, is in danger of being kicked out of preschool… big sister Sara, 5, likes sneaking the scissors out of mom’s sewing kit and cutting her own hair… and kid brother Andrew, 18 months, is a dude with a ’tude. Can Supernanny teach these kids that respect isn’t just an Atlantic soul classic?
Hailey Moy is a kid on the edge… she beats up on her kid sister, trashes kid brother Matthew’s stuff and hits mom Michele when she doesn’t get her way. Can Jo rebuild the parent-daughter bond and build up mom’s backbone?
“We’re at a total loss,’ says mom Gina Quinn, who’s having to control four out-of-control tweens and teens who swear like sailors, refuse to do their chores and are verbally aggressive with mom and with dad David, who just laughs at the kids’ antics…
Dorothy and Kip Baulisch of Papillion, Nebraska, are deaf parents raising four hearing children – and it’s not going well. Eldest daughter, Melissa, 18, has ended up the full-time interpreter for her parents and younger siblings – but they’re out of control. Can Jo Frost close the communication gap and bring the Baulisch family back together?
For the first time ever, Jo comes to the rescue of a nanny in over her head, as well as the helpless parents, in dealing with the rambunctious Park children… all the kids act out, refuse to follow instructions and take dangerous risks involving aggression, scissors, and swimming pools… Can Jo help these parents learn to bring out the best in their kids?
The Winter family is living in a perpetual storm: the four youngest are out of control and dad can’t accept that 17-year-old Kristin is growing up and needs more freedom. Can Supernanny bridge the gap between father and daughter and bring some sunshine to the Winters?
Single mom Blythe Newsome is trying to manage six children in a tiny house – and her little angels have morphed into holy terrors. Mom gives into them for a quiet life… but life with these kids is anything but. Can Supernanny help this single mom take control of her family?
John and Sarah Manley have been separated for over six months – but their indecision over trying again or getting a divorce is confusing their kids. Max, 7, and Claire, 4, can’t figure out what’s going on… and their reaction is anger, backchat, fighting and tantrums. Can Jo to help them navigate this heartbreaking transition?
Jo Frost hops a plain back to the UK to help single mom Tara Howat take back the power from her three firebrands!
Before he died, dad Dwight Lewis called on Supernanny to ask if she could help his wife Antoinette cope with parenting alone while she grieved his loss. Can Jo help widowed Antoinette Lewis find a routine – and peace of mind?
NBA guard Mike James faces off against a foe more formidable than his opponents on the court… Supernanny has a bone to pick with him!
Jo works with a couple whose 9-year-old daughter rules the house, throwing tantrums like a toddler and teaching her younger brother to behave the same way.
Dyane and Don have a six-year-old boy called Damon, a four-year-old boy called Dante and a two-year-old girl called Gianna.
Shannon and John both have high profile jobs at a large church, but their home is a far cry from a peaceful sanctuary. All four of their children fight with each other so viciously and so frequently that mom usually intervenes only if someone has drawn blood. That happens regularly because the kids bite, pinch, kick and pull hair for all they're worth. Mom's yelling isn't working, and Dad says he spanks to discipline, since he doesn't believe that timeouts or talking work. But in spite of the hardline tactics, neither parent has much authority. How will Jo deal with these challenges, especially with a dad resistant to her methods?
The Coliers of Cleveland, Georgia, are a blended family on the brink. Dad Jason coddles his three young sons under the age of 5, but is hostile to his 13-year-old stepdaughter, Madison, whom he adopted last year. Jason showers his little boys with affection but his relationship with Madison is frosty and contentious - she doesn't call him "Dad" and says he doesn't seem like one; he counters by saying she's a pathological liar and carries on "like a moron." Jason also spoon feeds his three-year-old and holds the older boys back from gaining valuable life skills by doing everything for them. Stay-at-home mom Dawn feels caught in the middle when Jason clashes with Madison and undermines her time-out attempts with the toddlers, but Jo pushes the couple to closely examine whether or not they want to continue in this marriage. Can "Supernanny" set this family on a better track?
Debra and Tracy are pushover parents with two sets of twins, ages four and seven, who call all the shots and eat a diet packed with sugar and unhealthy food choices. Four-year-old Parker calls Mom a "butthead" with no consequences; Debra hides in the bathroom to eat a meal and get a moment's peace. Dad Tracy works from home, and when his rambunctious children need disciplining, he meekly implores them not to misbehave. They respond by locking him out of their bedroom! Can Jo Frost help this family?
Jo Frost travels to the deep South -- Hayden, Alabama -- and faces off with Amy Phelps, who defends her right to spank her three boisterous boys. Dad Jimmy is open to change, but Amy won't budge, and this issue is bringing their marriage to the breaking point. Jo is adamantly opposed to corporal punishment - can she show these parents how to get even better results the Supernanny way?
A Florida family with four children ranging in age from two to twelve is ruled by the crown prince-Zachary, an impulsive, tantrum-prone four-year-old. Jen, a beleaguered stay-at-home Mom, cowers to his every whim, and doesn't enforce any kind of discipline. Her approach is to gently enfold the children in hugs or eventually give in. Roy, a painting contractor, would rather work on the computer at the end of the long day than help Jen with the kids, but when he does try to impose rules and consequences, his short fuse and yelling intimidate the children and have driven his wife to threaten divorce. Jen tearfully tells Jo in her submission tape, "This is our last shot." Can Jo show these two parents the tools to not only tame Zachary but repair their relationship?
Bill and Tammy McGrath of Hamlin, New York, have three beautiful young children, and their middle son, Aiden, 5, was recently diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. Managing his illness is very anxiety-provoking for Tammy, because she saw her father die of diabetes at just 46 years of age. She sees Aiden's diagnosis as her worst fears realized, and mealtime has become a battlefield. Aiden makes power plays, refusing to eat, which not only threatens his own health and frightens Tammy, but causes problems for both parents in adjusting Aiden's insulin levels. The other kids, Liam, 4, and Paige, 9, feel their parents' distraction and are frustrated by it -- Paige hides out in her bedroom and Liam acts out aggressively. Jo pinpoints Bill and Tammy's problems communicating effectively and enforcing discipline -- their versions of timeouts are useless. Can she help Bill and Tammy regain control of their family?
Christina and Joe have four children, Brandon (4) and triplets Samantha, Taylor and Ryan (2). The triplets were premature births, and need to eat properly for growth, yet barely touch the food on their plates. Brandon often feels left out with all the attention given to the triplets, and Christina is a perfectionist who is very self-critical of her parenting skills.
A mother of two who spends her time surfing the Web, watching TV and texting friends expects her mother to raise her children.
Jo tries to help a married couple in Illinois with five children, including an openly defiant teen and a 4-year-old with separation anxiety.
Jo visits the Peterfreund family in Chandler, Arizona. Keith and Sonya have four young sons: Jett who is 5, Gage who is 3, Trey who is 2, and baby Myles who is a newborn. Keith and Sonya need Jo's help, and describes Jett, Gage, and Trey as a threat to baby Myles. The older three are such a handful for Sonya, she often gets distracted from looking after Myles. Keith and Sonya claim they need Jo's help before it's too late.
Jo is amazed that a Sacramento couple with five children---ages 9 months to 11 years---get help from a nanny and a maternal grandmother and still can't control their kids' behavior, which includes playing around a swimming pool with no fence and riding bikes without helmets.
Jo visits the family who live on a secluded island off Seattle. Ricki and Jenye have three sons. The family has moved 4 times in a year due to Ricki's job and are moving again soon. The older boys run wild in and outside the house, and the parents allow them to play with machetes and hatchets, which are considered dangerous.
Jo visits the Van Acker family from Oak View, California. Jessica and Kevin have 2 children: 6-year-old Emma and 3-year-old Dylan. Dylan runs the house with his tantrums and disrespect towards his parents. He refuses to be potty-trained and is anemic and underweight due to his refusal to eat. Can Jo help the Van Ackers instill discipline in their house?
Jo visits the Fernandez family from Kissimmee, Florida. Jerald [31] and Marla [29] have 3 children: 12-year-old Desiree, 5-year-old Elias, and 3-year-old Eulisis (or "Shorty" which is his nickname). Marla is exhausted from trying to do everything on her own while Jerald is frustruated and usually unwilling to help out.Desiree is starting to develop an attitude and doing poorly in school while Elias and Eulisis misbehave by kicking, screaming, & crying to get their own way. Even a simple trip to the store turns into a disaster and the parents' relationship is starting to fall apart. Marla gives empty threats, and vents all of her frustration on her children, especially Desiree, which is straining their relationship. Can Jo help this family?
Jo visits the George family from San Antonio, Texas. Joey-Lynn, Glenn and their five daughters: 20-year-old College Student Samantha , 17-year-old Brooke , 10-year-old Savannah , 6-year-old Hailey , and 1 and a half-year-old, Haidyn . They also have a 2-year-old granddaughter, Krissy , who is Samantha's daughter. Joey-Lynn had Samantha when she was a teenager and both parents feel as if they've failed since Samantha had a promising future that changed when she became a teenage mom. Samantha and Brooke hate each other and curse at one another in front of their younger sisters, who act out by defying their parents and being aggressive with each other. Joey-Lynn lets Glenn handle the discipline, but all Glenn does is yell at them and doesn't follow through with the discipline. Can Jo help the George family?
Jo visits the Miller family from Phoenix, Arizona. Meshell and David have 6 children: 13-year-old Kesley, 12-year-old Kendall, 10-year-old Meryn, 7-year-old Landon, 5-year-old Ainsley, and 3-year-old Avarie. The older kids back-talk, fight, and leave their clothes in a heap. Little Avarie refuses to give up her bottle while Kesley, who is considered responsible to watch her siblings, isn't allowed to go to an afternoon movie with friends. Meshell has a hard time telling her children no while David tries to enforce structure and respect in the house, but is so exhausted from long days at work and often shows his temper without using clear boundaries and consequences. Jo looks at the chore board on the wall which is completely blank. Can Jo help the Miller family?
Jo visits the Colombo family from Melbourne, Florida. Danielle and Joe have 3 children: 4-year-old Carlo, 3-year-old JJ, and 1-year-old Julia. Joe works long hours leaving Danielle is a stay-at-home mom. JJ hits, slaps, pinches, kicks, and yells while Carlo is a picky eater with a loud scream that (as Danielle describes), "takes your breath away." Even though Danielle was a teaching instructor before becoming a parent, she doesn't enforce the house rules and has lost sight of her personal dreams. Even though Danielle is estastic when Jo first comes, the two butt heads when it comes to a naptime issue. Can Jo help the Colombo family out?
Jo visits the Potter family. Joy and Chris have four children: Noah is 10, Ryan is 7, Jake is 5, and Alexa is 4 (Alexa is the only girl in the Potter family). Day after day both parents are constantly disrespected by their children and try to run their household with different styles. Joy's parenting style is passive and the kids walk all over her. On the other hand, father Chris is very extreme. Chris's temper is out of control, he constnatly yells at and scares his children and its straining his relationship with his kids, especially Noah. Noah has a strained relationship with his father, who berates him as a brat when he's angry. Chris feels that Joy is undermining him by challenging his parenting style, which how his own mother didn't do with his father when he was growing up. Jo observes that Joy isn't consistent with discipline and that Chris could break Noah's spirit if things don't change. Joy tells Jo sadly that her marriage is at risk if she and Chris don't get on the same page. Can Jo knock some sense into Chris and rescue his marriage from the brink before he ruins his relationships for good?
Jo visits the Merrill family at Camp Pendelton. While husband and marine, Chris is stationed overseas for a year in Afghanistan, wife Beckie is left alone with their 4 adopted children: 4-year-old cousins Garrett and Elena (who are biological cousins who were adopted from Guatemala) and siblings 6-year-old Eddie & 4-year-old Lydia (who are biological brother and sister who were adopted from Ghana). Eddie & Lydia were adopted 3 months ago and are struggling with learning English and have a great fear of the dark since back in Ghana, there was violence at nighttime in their community. The kids run outside when they feel like it and ignore their mother while bedtime & mealtimes are a disaster. Beckie struggles with discipline and feels so exhausted, outnumbered, & at her limit along with being alone while her husband is away. Can Jo help Beckie out and help the kids get in bed?
Jo finds triple the trouble in the DeMott family in Bayville, New Jersey. Ted and Nancy have four children: Timmy is 11 and 4-year-old triplets: Teddy, Milo, and Giada. The triplets annoy their older brother, destroy things, and even run out of their house unsupervised. The parents think that time-outs for the triplets don't work, so Nancy's form of discipline is locking the triplets in their room when they misbehave while Ted surrenders. Nancy is home with the kids full-time while Ted is at work at his job as a police officer. Ted is under a lot of stress and drinks alcohol to make himself feel better. When Ted comes home from work, he's in charge of the kids while Nancy goes to work herself. Timmy and Ted's relationship has deteriorated since the triplets were born. Can Jo tame this trio of tiny offenders and get Ted back on the straight and narrow or will Jo have to lay down the law?
Jo visits the Froebrich family in Fort Mill, South Carolina. Beverly and Erich have five children: Emily is 11, Emmett is 9, Emma Jo is 7, Emerson is 4, and Ember is 1½. The kids fight constantly, hit, pinch, and do any kind of bodily harm. Homework and studying for tests is a disaster and it brings 9-year-old Emmett to tears. Beverly's mother, Barbara, lives with the family since her husband, Victor, passed away and considers Beverly to be a control freak, and the stress of Beverly's father's death has gotten worse. Beverly doesn't discipline the kids, but Erich uses a wooden spoon, the belt, and his bare hand to spank the kids along with pulling their ears and putting hot sauce on their tongues, and neither of the parents' discipline works at all. Can Jo get this family to drop the facade and convince Beverly and Erich that there is another way before it's too late?
Jo visits the Federico family. Sylvia and Michael have 3 boys: 5-year-old Dominic, 3-year-old Michael, and 2-year- old Vincent. Sylvia admits that she wants to be the fun mother rather than a disciplinarian. The parents bribe their sons with junk food to get them to behave and Sylvia brings a backpack filled with sugary snacks when she takes the boys out in public to use for bribes if they complain or misbehave in any way. The boys sneak snacks all day long and the parents baby their kids, especially Dominic. They push Dominic in the stroller (instead of Vincent), brush his teeth for him, and pick out his clothes. When Sylvia tries to follow through on Jo's instructions for a time out, she calls it torture and ignores discipline. Can Jo get Sylvia & Michael to stop babying their children and step up to the discipline?
Because her own mother passed away from cancer, Supernanny Jo Frost can certainly sympathize with the Evans family children who lost their mother due to the disease. The father of the three young boys is doing his best to parent them on his own and as their mother would have wanted, but the whole family finds its situation overwhelming. Can Jo help this family settle into its new shape?
Working parents, Jessica and CJ Braido, feel they’re being overrun by their four small children and are at a loss at how to come together on their parenting perspectives. The only thing they can agree on is using electronics as a babysitting device in order to give them some peace. Can Jo get these parents to come together to work as a united front, or will war break out in the Braido household?
The Corry's are a military family struggling to discipline their four daughters. While Ben, the father, is away with the army for months at a time, Maria, the stay-at-home mom, is left dealing with their rambunctious children and navigating her post-partum depression. Will Nanny Jo be able to dive into the trenches and rescue this family?
The Richardson's have found themselves at a loss managing their six fiercely independent kids and can't keep up with the mess that follows them. But more importantly, Brittany's four oldest children from her first husband are struggling with the recent passing of their father which is causing friction between them and their stepfather Ralph. Can Nanny Jo help this family cope with the loss of a loved one and come together as a blended family?
The Ostler's are struggling to control their two rambunctious boys while also still grieving the loss of their first child. Dane's occupation as a Wildland Firefighter often leaves his anxiety ridden wife, Nicole, on her own with the boys. With the oldest, Jax, craving more independence, Nicole's helicopter parenting style is only driving him further away. Can Jo help this mother work through her high anxiety while also allowing her children to become more independent?
Stay at home dad, Anthony Garcia is struggling to understand his new role as the primary caregiver, while mom, Bethanie, can’t find her work, life balance. Now the children are ruling the roost amidst all the confusion and the parents are at their wits end. Can Jo help these young parents establish boundaries and respect within the household?
After their children were diagnosed with life-threatening food allergies, Dan and Miranda Andersen are constantly on guard for their family’s safety, which has led to conflicting parenting styles. Also, too much unsupervised screen-time has made the bedtime routine a nightmare. Can Nanny Jo help this family over-come their fears and get a good night’s rest?
Mom, Kristi is overwhelmed and frustrated having to discipline her three girls while her husband, Diarmid, timidly passes the buck. Kristi has resorted to yelling and screaming in order to gain control, and now, her aggressive behavior is being mimicked by her daughter, Karina. Can Nanny Jo get these parents to work together on a united front, or will the house continue to be hostile and divided?
Heather and Todd thought Hawaii was going to be the ideal location to raise their triplet boys, and they even flew in grandma to help. But trouble struck paradise as the triplets grew into wild screaming toddlers and the parents became polarized. Can Jo break through Todd and Heather's denial and get them on the same page? Or will the kids' unruly behavior spin out into total chaos?
After spending 15 years struggling to conceive, Jennifer and Tim adopted beautiful twin girls, Mekenna and Alyssa. However, being mature parents, the twin's boisterous behavior has started to create anxiety and animosity between Jennifer and Tim as they clash over how to best raise their children. Can Jo help alleviate the tension in the household before it's too late?
Ian and Jamie Orr are at their wits end with their four rambunctious children. Their oldest son Julian is addicted to violent video games, causing him to have nightmares. Plus, all four children are the pickiest of eaters, demanding fried unhealthy meals. Full-time working mother Jamie is struggling to maintain the housework and cooking demands even though Ian works from home. Can Nanny Jo get Julian to put the controller down and bring order to this family?
Michael and Angela Brown have certainly made a bed for themselves--a giant super bed! They have combined two beds so that their sons Michael Jo and Paul Mason can sleep with them, but this unusual situation has created unhealthy attachment issues. Jo Frost works closely with the full-time working dad and stay-at-home mom to address these issues and an issue of trust that threatens their relationship.
Christina and Katie Bailey have two toddler girls who have a hard time with sharing, and tensions are high as one child picked Katie as their favorite mom, leaving Christina feeling isolated and resentful. As conflict leads to cold silence, will these moms freeze each other out for good? Or will the Supernanny break the ice and help mend this family?
Chicago based Bean family is struggling to balance their complicated work schedules, four kids and their love life. Working the graveyard shift sometimes has David awake for twenty-four hours, taking care of the children and leaving no time to connect with his wife, Nina. To make matters worse, David riles the children up before bedtime leaving Nina with the responsibility to get them to sleep. Can Nanny Jo help this overworked family connect with each other and spark their romance?
Mealtimes are disastrous for full-time working parents, Angela and Dom Zampogna. Their three children have the pickiest palettes and will only consume unhealthy foods, causing them to act up and throw temper tantrums. Plus, their youngest son Giuseppe still acts like a toddler even though he is four years old. Can Nanny Jo help Giuseppe gain mental maturity and also get this Italian family to eat healthier meals?
After an accident that nearly killed their daughter, Amy Sutherland refuses to accept help from anyone when it comes to raising her and Justin's four young children. Both parents are overwhelmed and exhausted while trying to manage separate schedules for their children all under the age of four, and Amy's guilt inhibits her parental confidence. Can Jo help this family get on track or will they continue to live a disheveled life?