Rock, Scissors, Paper is a classic choosing game played around the world. We've turned this familiar activity into a fun and creative fingerplay song!
Use this simple song to tell scary things to GO AWAY!
This is a simple song for teaching "yes" and "no" to young learners. For children who don't speak English as their native language, "uh-huh" and "unh-unh" can be hard to pronounce correctly. This song introduces this informal but very common English in a super fun way.
Halloween Song
Knock Knock English teachers and students singing "Knock Knock Hello" at our 2006 Halloween party in Tokyo.
Use this simple song to learn and review colors. Then use the language from the song to play the I See Something... Game as you look around the classroom, at home, or in the car for more colors.
On his way to the Knock Knock English Christmas party, Santa Claus got lost in the neighborhood. Watch (and laugh along with our students) as Santa runs, jumps, eats, plays, swings, flirts and even rides a taxi on his way to our party! We checked in on Santa's progress throughout the are all seven check-ins edited together.
Walking Walking is a simple action verb song that kids will ask for again and again.
The Hokey Pokey is a favorite kids’ song for practicing parts of the body. Our simplified version works on plurals, too.
Use this classic tune to practice the days of the week.
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star & More Kids Songs 1. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 2. Little Snowflakes 3. Sweet Dreams 4. Row Row Row Your Boat 5. The Alphabet Song 6. Skidamarink 7. BINGO 8. Five Little Monkeys 9. Ten In The Bed 10. Open Shut Them 11. Seven Steps 12. One Potato, Two Potatoes 13. Counting Bananas 14. Good Morning, Mr. Rooster 15. The Animals On The Farm 16. Count & Move 17. Count Down & Move 18. The Alphabet Chant 19. Days Of The Week 20. After A While, Crocodile
Baby Shark & More Kids Songs 1. Baby Shark 2. Five Little Ducks 3. How Many Fingers? 4. The Ice Cream Song 5. This Is The Way 6. Five Little Speckled Frogs 7. Mr. Golden Sun 8. Peekaboo 9. 10 Little Dinosaurs 10. The Muffin Man 11. Apples & Bananas 12. Do You Like Pickle Pudding? 13. Little Robin Redbreast 14. Yes, I Can! 15. Hickory Dickory...Crash! 16. Do You Like Lasagna Milshakes? 17. Say Cheese! 18. Eeny Meeny Miny Moe 19. 10 Little Sailboats 20. What Do You Hear?