경찰서에 있는 근호가 아닌 누군가의 낙서가 또다시 당구장에서 발견되고, 여름과 대범은 당구장의 낙서들과 근호의 낙서를 단서로 할머니 살인사건의 진실을 추리하며 진범 찾기를 시작한다.
Yeo-reum visits Geun-ho in jail, but she finds something off. Later, she learns that he’s not capable of writing such awful things on the walls and hurting Ms. Jung. Meanwhile, Dae-beom finally understands the meaning of the writings on the wall and figures out the actual culprit behind his sister’s murder.
Após visitar Geun-ho, Yeo-reum vai com Dae-bum à cena do crime para tentar decifrar as mensagens enigmáticas.
Tras reunirse con Geun-ho, Yeo-reum hace equipo con Dae-bum para inspeccionar la escena del crimen y descifrar una serie de mensajes en clave.
Après avoir rencontré Hwang Geun-ho, Yeo-reum examine la scène de crime aux côtés de Dae-bum et déchiffre une série de messages énigmatiques.
Nach einem Treffen mit Hwang Geun-ho untersuchen Yeo-reum und Dae-beom gemeinsam den Tatort und entschlüsseln eine Reihe von kryptischen Botschaften.