Home / Series / Success 3.0 Summit - Success Talks / Aired Order / Season 1 / Episode 11
Home / Series / Success 3.0 Summit - Success Talks / DVD Order / Season 1 / Episode 11
Home / Series / Success 3.0 Summit - Success Talks / Absolute Order / Season 1 / Episode 11

Sally Ranney: The Imperative of Consciousness Activism

From childhood, Sally Ranney has spent a lot of her time in nature – the creator’s cathedral. She discovered that everything in nature has a purpose. Married to a rancher in Colorado, she only became aware of the threats to the environment when a clear-cut was proposed for a nearby forest. She ended up trading her cowboy boots for high heels, and trading the Colorado mountains for the halls of Congress. In a heart-felt talk, she highlights the importance and methods of activism for achieving sustainability.Sally Ranney has forty years of experience in the environmental arena. She is Co-Founder and President of the American Renewable Energy Institute (AREI); Co- Founder of the International Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN), CEO of Stillwater Preservation, LLC, a wetlands mitigation banking company and a Patron of Nature for the IUCN. As a Resource Policy Analyst for The Wilderness Society, she co-founded American Wildlands and served as the President for twenty years. Ranney is Chairman of eraGlobal Alliance and an anchor for A Matter of Degree, an internet series on climate change.

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  • Created April 21, 2020 by
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  • Modified April 21, 2020 by
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