Check out the first episode of the Suburban Paranormal Podcast. Dex gives a little introduction about the show and what to look forward to. Suburban Paranormal is planned to be a online video web series to be found on YouTube. The web series will include Bill Tozzi and Sean Harrigan.
oin Dex as he discusses some new Paranormal shows coming out. What he's looking forward to and hoping the shows will offer. Updates on the Suburban Paranormal series and how the podcast will be complimentary to the show itself. More details on how the two will work together.
Join Dex in this episode as we talk about a haunted Valentine's, The Conjuring house back in the mix and British X-Files. Also we give a review of the current shows on air and we open a discussion of the best paranormal shows currently on and off air.
The CIA admits that Psychic abilities are real and more UFO talk, this time coming from Popular Mechanics. Another awesome Dad joke to tickle your humor. Lastly we talk a new TV Show from A&E and the weathers effect on paranormal activity. Lot's of interesting topics being discussed.
Join Dex as he talks about a haunted Frozen doll, a gripe about the way paranormal shows are marketed and a discussion of Do Ghost Die. Dex goes into a deep dive about how paranormal show marketing is to gimmicky and takes away from the seriousness. Believing that this could be why the subject is not taken seriously by most.
This week we talk about a paranormal conference in Texas. A paranormal-themed Cirque Du Soleil and some UFO Talk. Why have aliens not made contact? A comparison is made with the show The Orville and how their theory of not touching a non fully developed world.
Foo Fighters 10th album almost ruined by ghost? Skinwalker Ranch debuts and talk about the Pandemic and it's impact on the spirit world. Has everyone being stuck at home given an uptick in paranormal activity? The pure, raw emotion of whats going on feeding this activity?
Join Dex this week as we journey down a few cryptozoology articles about Nessie and Werewolves. TV Talk with Skinwalker Ranch still overly dramatic and Quibi falls flat, REAL FLAT. Lastly we open the discussion for your favorite paranormal subjects.
This week we discuss the Conjuring house doing a live stream, the UFO videos are now officially available for download. We of course talk a little TV with Ghost Nation being back and Skinwalker Ranch has turned its show around. Also, Dex touches on skeptics.
This week Dex talks about the latest ghost video going around. Is it a reflection or is that an actual waving corpse? More talk about Ghost Adventures and why I find it unfair. Last, but not least, a gripe about paranormal TV shows and what they do.
This week we discuss a couple cryptozoology news bits. We are back with video on YouTube. Then we discuss the sensitivity of kids and their ability to see the other side. Do we as parents hinder a child's possible psychic ability by saying their imaginary friends don't exist.
This week Dex has on Sean Harrigan from The Iggles Nest. We discuss the UFO experts discovery of what he believes to be alien structures on the moon. Scientist have stated there is possibly 36 intelligent life forms within our galaxy. Then we discuss Sean's experiences and what got him into the paranormal.
We got a real true high def photo of Nessie. More and more UFO talk to be had. The sightings this time are closer to home. Learning there are over 300+ sightings this year alone in the state of PA. Also some hard truths about ORBs and how most can be explained.
Lets talk about UFOs. There are a lot of articles lately about UFOs or UAPs. From the Pentagon to the FAA documents. A bunch of updates on some new paranormal shows and updates on our favorites. UFOs are slowly becoming the hot news topic.
POTUS recently talks to Lou Dobbs and the topic of UFOs comes up. Thoughts on that, plus a show recommendation causes Dex to binge 2 seasons in a day. Updates on other topics we've covered that have not been discussed in a while.
A recent video capture of a possible spirit in a cemetery is highly debated. Idaho is the hotspot for not only UFOs but for Big Foot as well. The discussion topic this week we discuss the flashlight communication technique .
Check out this weeks episode where we check out a photo from a cop in Argentina and a video from a paranormal group out in Maine. We also debunk and show the proof of the Vicars Hill video being faked.
This week we review some footage from Gettysburg, a TikTok user gets debunked and Nessie is back. Plus a new UFO Documentary is out that says it has new bombshell information.
Join Dex as we journey through lots of news over the past couple weeks. AC/DC tried to find Nessie with Fireworks. No cheap Oujia boards to be sold in the UK. Plus TV talk on the Halloween specials.
Join Dex this week as we talk more about Nessie. A UFC fighter talks about his frequent UFO sightings. The hope of POTUS releasing information on his way out, can it happen?
Join Dex as we talk about the monolith that's making it's way around the world. We discuss the most recent UFO pictures that has been leaked from the pentagon. Evidence review of another video that has been shared.
This week we talk about the Proxima signal. New York UFO sightings are up significantly since last year, or is this just more observations due to lock downs? An alien satellite that's been around for a while now.
We take a look at the Hawaii UFO that was reported all over the place. A Harvard professor has stated that aliens were here in 2017 and will be back. I believe they are still here amongst us.
new ghost video, a bunch more UFO stuff including pictures and video. We recap the latest Kindred Spirits and Ghost Nation. The misplaced anger on the Travel Channel move with Discovery+ and the shows being moved. Lastly, Dex does give an apology on the disappearance.
New video surfaces of Thylacines from the Thylacine Awareness group in Australia. We have a new Big Foot sighting in California. A Ghost and UFO video get reviewed.