The long day's journey into night continues as we learn more, in flashback, about how Matt and Danny came to be fired. Jack tries to convince Simon to apologize for his statement to the press. Matt continues to explore paying a ransom to free Tom’s brother over the objections of Captain Boyle. Harriet sits with and act as a distraction for Danny who is keeping vigil for Jordan at the hospital.
Grandeur et décadence, voici enfin le moment de découvrir comment Matt et Danny se font fait licencier.
La figlia di Jordan viene al mondo, ma la neo-mamma è ancora in condizioni critiche. L'avvocatessa consiglia a Matt di convincere Danny a farsi firmare un documento di affidamento in caso Jordan non dovesse farcela. Intanto Jack cerca di convincere Simon a chiedere scusa pubblicamente per la sua sparata.