Operation Victory Arrow is set in the period between the end of Operation Mars in the second television series and the 2012 Strike Witches movie. The three 30-minute short stories depict the lives of the members who returned to their respective homes.
Six months following the battle in Venezia, Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke, Gertrud Barkhorn, and Erica Hartmann have been stationed at the Saint-Trond Base in Belgica, alongside fellow Karlsland witch Heidemarie W. Schnaufer. Erica's twin sister Ursula delivers a giant 50mm cannon, along with a Jet Striker Unit required to carry it, with Gertrud chosen to test them, despite Erica's concerns following the last time Gertrud rode a Jet Striker. Erica is soon brought out to test a Twin Striker with Ursula, but Erica's lack of patience causes the test to fail. Erica ends up lashing out at Ursula, calling all of her inventions useless, leading her to become downhearted. Later, Minna and Gertrud come across an armored Neuroi, with Gertrud deciding she needs to use the 50mm cannon against it, but they both become surrounded by splitting Neuroi. Erica, hearing Minna in danger, takes the Jet Striker and 50mm cannon herself and has trouble controlling it, but she is helped out by the arrival of Ursula.