Lynne and Perrine, along with Amelie Planchard, come across a young boy named Julius, getting treatment for his little sister Rose. As the two children stay at Perrine's house, with Julius proving a lot for Perrine to handle, Julius expresses a hatred towards witches for not coming to his father's aid when he went to battle at Arnhem Bridge. After learning that Perrine and the others are witches, Julius sneaks aboard a shipment bound for Arnhem Bridge to retrieve some personal belongings. With her Strike Unit in repair, Perrine steps in to protects Julius from the Neuroi until Lynne backs her up, with Julius helping Perrine in return when she injures her leg, allowing both her and Lynne to defeat the Neuroi. Afterwards, Perrine takes in both Julius and Rose to give them an education while Lynne receives a letter from Yoshika.