The mystical psychic known as Rose senses that many powers in the world are fluctuating wildly out of control. She blames Ken and Blanka for this sudden energy spike and believes that they are the catalysts to the end of the world. Rose kidnaps them both and forces them to fight against one another, only to realize that they are not evil at all. With their help, she tracks down Bison, who is the true manifestation of evil she had sensed. She then attacks Bison in the mental world just as Ken and Blanka destroy the kali statue, which destroys Bison's entire castle. Mysteriously, everyone in uninjured, and Bison eludes capture once more.
La psíquica mística conocida como Rose siente que muchos poderes en el mundo están fluctuando fuera de control. Ella culpa a Ken y Blanka por este repentino pico de energía y cree que son los catalizadores del fin del mundo. Rose los secuestra a ambos y los obliga a luchar entre sí, solo para darse cuenta de que no son malvados en absoluto. Con su ayuda, rastrea a Bison, que es la verdadera manifestación del mal que había sentido. Luego ataca a Bison en el mundo mental justo cuando Ken y Blanka destruyen la estatua de Kali, que destruye todo el castillo de Bison. Misteriosamente, todos salen ilesos y Bison elude la captura una vez más.