Otome captures another mysterious girl named Honoka and takes her into the Stray Cats store for Fumino and Nozomi to babysit. Chise arrives and becomes surprised when Honoka is the only customer at Stray Cats. As Fumino and Chise realizes Otome's nature, Nozomi bakes a welcome cake for Honoka. Nozomi takes care of Honoka and learns more about Honoka, including the fact that she was separated from her mom when she wanted to catch birds. Otome arrives later tonight with Honoka's mom explaining that she has a place to return to. The message causes Fumino, Chise, and Nozomi to think about their places to return to.
夏休みも終わり間際のストレイキャッツに、一人の女の子がやってきた。彼女の名前は、ほのか。 乙女が連れてきたのだが、乙女は詳しい事情を話す間もなく用事があるとかですぐに立ち去ってしまう。 どことなく冷めているようなほのかの態度に、接し方をはかりかねる文乃。 一方、千世は平然とほのかと接し、希は歓迎ムード。 やがて頑なだったほのかの態度も軟化していく。ほのかも「迷い猫」の一人なのだと思う文乃たちであったが……。