Preparations for the Etoile election are proceeding along and consuming more of everyone's attention. After another physical confrontation with Kaname, Hikari says something to her which motivates Kaname to challenge Amane to a game of tennis. During their match, Yaya and Hikari finally have an important discussion. During the match, Kaname admits that she both hates and loves Amane, because of her inability to ever surpass her at anything. Kaname's lover, Momomi, overhears this and after the match they break up. Amane becomes persuaded to join the Etoile election, with Hikari as her partner.
Los preparativos para las elecciones de Etoile están avanzando y acaparando la atención de todos. Después de otro enfrentamiento físico con Kaname, Hikari le dice algo que motiva a Kaname a desafiar a Amane a un partido de tenis. Durante su partido, Yaya y Hikari finalmente tienen una discusión importante. Durante el partido, Kaname admite que odia y ama a Amane, debido a su incapacidad para superarla en nada. La amante de Kaname, Momomi, escucha esto y después del partido se separan. Amane se convence de unirse a las elecciones de Etoile, con Hikari como su compañera.