Tama Boštjanu prizna, da je poročena, kar ga popolnoma šokira, vendar pusti, da mu Tama pojasni svojo zvezo. Vezi med Ami, Niko in Gabrom so vse močnejše in po začetni previdnosti posatajajo vse večji prijatelji. Tomo obišče Gabra. Gaber hoče duhovičiti. Je spet priletel kakšen poštni golob? Tomo pa povsem resno pove, da je. Vendar še pred razkritjem novic Toma zanima, kako se je končala zadeva s štorkljami na krasu. Ištvan je izsledil dr. Vasjo v neki bavarski vasici in bo stopil z njim v stik ...
Tama confesses to Boštjan that she is married, which completely shocks him, but she lets Tama explain her relationship to him. The bonds between Ami, Nika, and Gaber are getting stronger, and after initial caution, they are growing friends. Tomo visits Gaber. Gaber wants to be a ghost. Has any carrier pigeon flown in again? Tomo, on the other hand, says quite seriously that he is. However, even before the news is revealed, Tomo is interested in how the stork affair ended. Istvan tracked down Dr. Vasya in some Bavarian village and will get in touch with him...