Neznanec ugrabi Gabra in kot odkupnino zahteva strogo zaupne papirje. Nika in Penzl se vrneta s prelepih počitnic. Ko vstopita v hišo, ju tam čaka presenečenje. Pia se sreča s staro znanko, ki ji pove veliko skrivnost o Mirzi. Ko Marija izve strašno novico, je tako vznemirjena, da potrebuje injekcijo. Vse zanima, kje je Gaber in kaj se je zgodilo z njim.
A stranger kidnaps Gaber and demands top-secret papers as ransom. Nika and Penzl return from a beautiful vacation. When they enter the house, a surprise awaits them there. Pia meets an old acquaintance who tells her a big secret about Mirza. When Maria learns the terrible news, she is so upset that she needs an injection. Everyone is interested in where Gaber is and what happened to him.