A massacre sees a group of women left in the hands of a ruthless man who wants to put them to whore.
Kat offers herself up to save two young girls from the whorehouse. Rebecca saves a child and then kills a man in revenge.
Kat tells Marshal Caleb Mecredi she believes Slotter is guilty; Isabelle must convince Cornelius to loan her the miner’s wages.
Slotter attempts to hang two Blackfoot men as scapegoats; Jared tries to drive a wedge between Isabelle and Slotter.
With Jeremiah missing and bounty hunters on her trail, Kat meets a medicine woman who takes her on a journey to help her search.
Slotter appoints his most ruthless man as Sheriff; Kat wonders if she represents justice or is just another cold-blooded killer.
Rebecca believes amputation is the only hope for Thomas’s survival; the girls stumble on cattle rustlers and spend a night in terror.
A self-proclaimed prophet from Utah territory sets his eyes on Kelly. Isabelle tries to orchestrate their union to get her hands on the prophet’s money.
The fight for control of the mine between Slotter's miners and Ling's railway workers intensifies, and the women must choose sides.
With the mine in ruins, Slotter's depravity reaches new depths as the camp struggles to save the last surviving miners trapped underground.
Chase is haunted by ghosts and the women take advantage; the Slotter family turns on each other.
Slotter hires militia men to secure his power; Kat searches for weapons and makes a plan to take back the camp.
The women band together to take Slotter down.