승수와 세영은 전년도보다 대폭 삭감된 협상 금액으로 선수단과의 연봉 계약을 해야 하는 위기에 처하게 되고, 서로 다른 성적과 서로 다른 상황에 놓인 선수들과의 계약은 난항을 겪게 되는데..
One day, Seung Su is appointed as a general manager. Although he’s been working in the sports field, the teams he led to the championship were unpopular, and some of them were even disbanded after winning the league due to the financial difficulties of their parent companies. Would this unlucky new general manager be able to steer Dreams to the championship with passionate Se Young?
Kurz vor Beginn der Gehaltsverhandlungen mit den Spielern, erfahren Seung-su und das Management von empfindlichen Budgetkürzungen. Ein bekanntes Gesicht kehrt zurück.