
All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Unto the Breach

    • February 8, 2012
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    The Newly promoted Captain Stiles is given a new ship named;"Yorktown" and is sent out to find what happened to Starfleet's first Starbase

  • S01E02 The Outpost

    • February 8, 2012
    • YouTube

    Samuels and company goto a Starfleet Outpost thinking they are going there to get replacement parts for the damaged Yorktown but, as soon as they land they find out not all is as it should be.

  • S01E03 The Wings of Icarus

    • February 13, 2012
    • YouTube

    After being ambushed by Romulan ships, the Yorktown has limped home for repairs. The ambush has many of the crew in need of R&R. Stiles himself has claimed full responsibilty for the damages and loss of 13 crew members. The question is, what will Starfleet think?

  • S01E04 To Try the Man

    • February 15, 2012
    • YouTube

    After being ambushed by a Romulan ship the Yorktown has returned to Earth. All is not good for Stiles as he has returned with 13 dead onboard the ship and he may lose command of the ship

  • S01E05 The Wounded

    • February 22, 2012
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    While exploring a system, a whole squadron go missing. Admiral Black sends the Yorktown to investigate. There they find the debris of the fleet left over from a Romulan ship that used its self destruct to destroy the fleet. However, Another Romulan ship is found and Captain Stiles decides to chance going onto the wreck to get intel about the Romulans. What happens next is one thing going wrong after another, right upto the shivering climax

Season 2

  • S02E01 A Day On the Line

    • August 29, 2013
    • YouTube

    Tim Samuels, former engineer of the USS Yorktown is given command of his own ship; The Discovery NX-04 after the ship was almost destroyed in an attack with the Romulans. 46 people were killed including the former Captain and 1st officer. Samuels has the job of patching up the ship before they head back to a starbase for repairs. While scavenging parts in a debris field, Romulan spies attempt to ambush the ship and crew before repairs are complete.

  • S02E02 The Needs of the Many

    • January 9, 2014
    • YouTube

    The Discovery has been sent to deliver a Vulcan Ambassador to Earth but, things are not what they seem