While the Star Force is still on its way to planet Balan, Communications Officer Homer visits the Holography Room to view images of his home town, but has an emotional breakdown, declaring, "It's all a lie!" Shortly thereafter, the bridge crew sees Captain Avatar communicate with the Earth Defense Command. The Earth Defense Command says that conditions on Earth are tough, but that they are getting by. Once the transmission ends, however, Homer blurts out that they are all being deceived, saying that the Star Force has no idea where they are going. He then collapses and is whisked away to the infirmary. Venture says that Homer's actions may have been puzzling, but his concern is a valid one that is on everyone's minds. Captain Avatar replies that even though there is no guarantee of mission success, the Star Force is Earth's only hope of survival, and they owe it to Earth to believe in their mission.
On Balan, General Lysis muses on the effectiveness of the communications relay satellite which he has planted to enable the Star Force to talk to Earth. The plan is to weaken the Star Force by allowing bad news from Earth to destroy their morale. Back on the Argo, Wildstar discovers Homer secretly making a call to Earth, during which Homer learned his father was very sick. Upset and homesick, Homer bolts, finds a space suit, and jumps out an airlock intent on floating back to Earth. What he floats to is, instead, the Gamilon relay satellite. His depression and delusion melt away as he realizes the danger this presents. Before long, Wildstar, leading a search party, locates Homer and rescues him. Wildstar hands Homer the firing controls and lets him blow the satellite to bits.
Earth has 255 days left.
Da ormai due mesi l'Argo non ha più contatto video con la Terra. Homer è angosciato ed ha la pressione bassa, quindi il dottor Sane gli consiglia la sala olografica. Qui rivede la sua casa in inverno con la madre, ma si dispera perchè è tutto falso. Avatar sta meglio e si mette in contatto con la Terra, da cui arrivano notizie poco confortanti, visto che la radioattività si sta espandendo. Prima Homer e poi Venture iniziano a dubitare della missione. Di nascosto Homer si mette in comunicazione con la sua famiglia e scopre che il padre è molto malato a causa di un virus. Dopo essere stato scoperto da Wildstar, si reca da Venture e gli chiede di tornare sulla Terra. Avendo ovviamente ottenuto risposta negativa, Homer prende una tuta e si getta nello spazio per tornare a casa. Per caso scopre un satellite di comunicazione, e capisce che è di Gamilon e quindi che è stato il nemico a volere che i Guerrieri delle Stelle comunicassero con la Terra per scoraggiarsi sentendo le notizie provenienti da casa. Wildstar ritrova Homer ed il satellite viene distrutto. Mancano 255 giorni.