""Polling"" A pollster for the Candidate Zagursky for Mayor campaign thinks he has had a good sample for his poll. But he finds his sample is biased: He called all people with last names starting with Z. They are are all related to Candidate Zagursky. ""Sybil Sawyer, Part 2"" How biologists measure the perimeter and age of trees. ""Time Check"" An announcer tells us that 20% of the show has passed. ""Polling - Again"" The Candidate Zagursky for Mayor pollster hass since polled the people at the local Post Office. But the sample is still biased: Zagursky worked at that Post Office for 15 years. ""Backstage with Blackstone"" The number nine plays a role in the number of coins on a table. ""Polling 3"" Finally, the Candidate Zagursky for Mayor pollster has done a random sample. It shows that Candidate Zagursky doesn't have a chance of winning. ""Multiples of 1-10"" A diagram shows all of the these multiples. ""Bumper"" Glitch, Mathman's nemesis, gives a hint to the secret code in the upcoming music v