The Spirit Investigations team kicks off the new year by breaking into solo teams to follow up on the questions left from the fall...
Connor and Karl join up with indie folk band, Murder by Death, for a private investigation of the Concert Hall that has everyone screaming by nights' end.
The team follows up on the hallway interaction from the week before, when one of the investigators is violently scratched. But by what spirit?
The team embarks headlong into a groundbreaking new experiment that will change their perspective on spirit communication for the rest of their lives.
After a mind-bending interaction in the balcony, Connor, Karl, and Steve try the spirit box experiment from across the building.
Another twist on the still-mind-blowing SB7 Experiment, two investigators plug into the same spirit box to see if they both can receive the same interaction...
Without warning, the Stanley Hotel ended their relationship with the spirits and the SPIT team. The team says goodbye to the spirits.