“Spice and Spell” revolves around Mon, the owner of a salad shop called “Mon Yum Muan” on Bang Lamung beach. Foodies and customers alike are unanimous in praising the dish as one of the tastiest salads. However, the weak point of this shop is its location, which is difficult for people to find because it is hidden from the crowd. Plus, Mon still refuses to promote the shop via social media. Customers who are hungry for food have to fight with each other to get queue tickets from the people closest to Mon. A mistake causes the story of the delicious salad at the restaurant to attract the attention of Beauty, a famous foodie influencer. She wants to come and record a food review video and sends her personal cameraman named Thos. From that opportunity, Thos will get the secret recipe for a delicious salad, by stealing it.
หม่อน เจ้าของร้านยำ มีน้ำยำสูตรลับเฉพาะที่สืบทอดมาจากยายของเธอได้พบและตกหลุมรักกับผู้กำกับหนุ่มที่มาถ่ายรายการที่ร้านของเธอโดยไม่รู้เลยว่าเขาจ้องจะขโมยสูตรลับร้านเธออยู่