I am James Pumphrey and I'm leaving Donut. -- Working for Donut Media has been the most incredible experience of our lives. We never thought we’d get to build something that meant so much to us. Something that means so much to so many other people. We gave it our all. We tried our best. We're proud of what we've done in the past 9 years. It’s time to build something new. Something that we love. A thing to be proud of. A thing of our own. We’re hopeful that if we do the work, this new thing will mean something to millions of people, just like the last thing did. But this time, no one can take it away from us. This is Speeed. Independently owned and operated since 2024. Thank you all so much; we hope you like it. - james & jesse
The History of Carhartt - Hey, it’s James Pumphrey. Today, I’m breaking down how Carhartt went from Detroit workwear to a global fashion icon. It's not a car / Donut video, but I’m trying to bring that same energy to explore why Carhartt’s long game paid off. Whether you’re into fashion or just a good story, hope you like it.
I know it's a long one but I've wanted to do a comprehensive video on the Porsche GT3 RS / Porsche RS badge for a while. Let us know what you think in the comments, and SUBSCRIBE! Thanks again again to our friend @maxpanysh He helped us on some Donut projects so it was cool to have him help out on Speeed too. Check out his E46 body kit: https://itatsi.com/ Shoutout to Magnus Walker for making time to talk with us; go check out his channel here: @MagnusWalkerUrbanOutlaw There's a lot of interesting bits about RS that we couldn't fit in this, so if you want to learn more about Porsche RS, I strongly recommend you READ! https://www.stuttcars.com/ is a great resource on Porsche generally, and the Porsche Newsroom/Press site https://press.porsche.com/ is super comprehensive (and incredibly well organized -- very German of them) so check that out.
There's so much richness in the story that we couldn't fit. If you want to learn more I can't recommend READING enough --here are some of our sources as a start:
Everything you need to know about Nike SB! Nike tried to take over skateboarding and failed twice, before Sandy Bodecker arrived on the scene. With the help of the Nike Dunk, Nike SB was finally able to stick the landing, and ended up changing the world of shoes as a whole.
If you're a cool guy, you should have a cool car. From BMW & Saabs to Ford & Toyota trucks, these are my 9 cool car picks for 2025.
Get your notepads out boys! These are the most & least attractive hobbies for men *according to women. Lmk in the comments how you stacked up. Also, BookIt club???
Nerds are cool now so I put together a list of cool cars for cool nerds.
Why do hot famous people own this camera? Today we're diving into the history of Leica cameras. It's a weird video lol, but lmk what you think.
In the spirit of the New Year and New Year’s Resolutions, I’ve put together a list of habits that I wish I would have started doing years ago. It’s never too late to improve your life and yourself. It’s 2025, the perfect time to start working out, eating healthy, leave behind all those past mistakes and look towards the future! The world is pretty wild right now; all we have control over is how we treat ourselves and other people. Let’s start the year off right with some good ol’ self improvement. I love you!
It's 2025, which means we (USA) can now legally import cars made in 2000 from anywhere in the world --JDM, European, wherever! We already have access to the likes of the Nissan R34 GT-R, Silvias, etc, so I had to dig a bit to find some interesting ones. Lmk you what think, and what you think I missed. And as always, I love you!
I got my mk3 VW Golf back from Donut! And it's finally time to get it back up and running as the first Speeed build series / project car. I'm so excited; subscribe to follow along.
The elusive cool daily driver. Finding a car that is fun, reliable, comfortable, economical and practical while also contributing a net positive to your overall vibe and aesthetic is…a tricky pickle. That's why I made this list! I obviously couldn't include everything so lmk what I missed!