At midnight in a cemetery, the GRX racecar engine is unearthed. The following day Spritle and Chim are trapped inside a truck. It takes them to Oriana Flub's house, where Chim Chim is tied to a motorized go-cart. When the chimp comes to a stop, one of Oriana's men sprays a "formula" at him. As he takes off again, Oriana announces that "they'll win the Grand Prix of the Orient."
At the track, a new racecar comes on the scene. Pops recognizes the sound of its engine. High in the stands, Oriana and her right-hand man, Omar watch while a thug sprays the driver of the mysterious car with the formula. At Oriana's house, Pops accuses her of stealing the engine "out of the tomb of Bent Cranium," the engine's inventor. Pops adds that five test drivers and Cranium died because of the GRX. Oriana knocks him out with "sleeper gas."
Meanwhile, Speed in the Mach 5, along with Trixie and Sparky, follows a flatbed truck carrying the GRX race car.
É encontrado enterrado em um cemitério o GRX, o motor mais potente já construído. Pops sabia sobre o motor, que fora considerado por ser considerado muito perigoso devido a sua potência.
Speed resolve testar o GRX, invadindo a garagem da vilã Oriana e pegando o carro. A velocidade alcançada foi tão grande que o piloto desmaia no volante. Por sorte o carro pára antes que o pior acontecesse. Mesmo após o acidente, Oriana insiste em colocar o GRX em corridas. O saldo final foi a destruição do motor em um grave acidente.