After many tries and failures, Jin Gab has finally become a labor inspector of the Ministry of Employment and Labor. One of his duties is dealing with complaints from the management as well as labor. When he starts to get sick of his job, he runs into Seon Woo who used to be Jin Gab's student at school.
구원고용노동지청 근로감독관 진갑은 매일 민원인들에게 치이며 전쟁 같은 나날들을 버티던 어느 날, 버스운전수가 된 옛 제자 선우를 만난다.
부당해고, 임금체불.
늘 민원인들에게 들었던 고민과 아픔이 선우에게 찾아오자 그는 인생의 선택에 기로에 다시 서게 되는데..