The Hellspawn stands closer to his destiny. He lies caught between two forces, Heaven and Hell, a prisoner in a scheme that is not his own. Heaven's bounty hunters appear outside the sanctuary. Spawn learns that if he does not reclaim his humanity, Wanda is in danger because when Spawn made love to her, he made her a pawn in the game, a weapon in the war. Spawn is confused. Cog is enraged.
It is the prophecy. Hellspawn would plant his seed in a human woman. A child would be born. That child would decide the outcome of armageddon. The final battle between Heaven and Hell!
Malebolgia has tricked Spawn again. It was never about him. It was always about the prophecy, and the child Spawn would bring into the world.
Downtown Officers Sam and Twitch are dealing with their own double-cross. Somebody shot Twitch in the head. At first they thought Spawn was the assailant. Now they know it was an inside job. Chief Banks tries to throw up a smoke screen by telling Sam that an investigation is un
Spawn poursuit sa quête à l'encontre de la prophétie qui voudrait que la femme qui porte sa semence soit la victime innocente du ciel et de l'enfer. Tandis que deux chasseresses s'apprêtent à combattre Jade, Twitch se décide à affronter Chif Banks, qui a tiré sur lui. Le combat risque de laisser l'un ou l'autre sur le tapis...
בפרק האחרון, טוויץ' נזכר במי שירה בו. שני ציידי ראשים מגן עדן תוקפים את ג'ייד וספון והיא מגלה לו שיש פרס על ראשה מכיוון שעזרה לו. ספון מגלה שהוא יכול להשתמש בכוחותיו גם למטרות טובות.
Twitch recuerda que el comisario Banks le disparó y cuando le planta cara, Banks se suicida en vez de confesar el delito. En la tumba de Al, Jade le confiesa a Spawn que desde que la salvo, el cielo ha puesto precio a su cabeza.
В финале сериала Твитч вспоминает, что шеф Бэнкс застрелил его. Джейд узнает, что за ее голову назначена награда. Появляются два новых Небесных воина и сражаются со Спауном и Джейд. Спаун понимает, что его силы не обязательно использовать во зло. Хранитель военной маски Чингисхана, в которой заключены силы Ада.