"Space Precinct" was a 1990s sci-fi cop show from veteran TV producer-creator Gerry Anderson ("Thunderbirds", "UFO", "Space 1999"). The show is set in Demeter City on the planet Altor and follows Lieutenant Patrick Brogan (Ted Shackleford -"Knots Landing"), a former New York cop, who is transferred to Demeter City's Precinct 88. He and his wife and two kids have to adjust to life in this new world, which is populated by humans as well as two alien races, the Creons and the Tarns. Brogan is partnered with his patrtner from his NY stint, Officer Jack Haldane (Rob Youngblood) and his boss is an Irish-accented(!?) Creon called Captain Rexton Podly (Jerome Willis). Brogan and Haldane are well supported by another human officer, Jane Castle (Simone Bendix) who has lived on Altor for a year. The show ran for 1 year (1994-95)but was not renewed.
Season | From | To | Episodes |
All Seasons | |||
Specials | March 2013 | 3 | |
Season 1 | October 1994 | July 1995 | 24 |
Unassigned Episodes | 6 |
Season | From | To | Episodes |
All Seasons | |||
Specials | March 2013 | 8 | |
Season 1 | October 1994 | July 1995 | 24 |
Unassigned Episodes | 1 |
Season | From | To | Episodes |
Season 1 | 0 | ||
Unassigned Episodes | 33 |
Name | Number of Episodes | Dates | |
John Glen | 8 | 10/03/1994 - 07/03/1995 | |
Peter Duffell | 5 | 02/06/1995 - 07/10/1995 | |
Sidney Hayers | 4 | 10/10/1994 - 02/20/1995 | |
Piers Haggard | 3 | 05/01/1995 - 07/24/1995 | |
Alan Birkinshaw | 2 | 11/07/1994 - 05/29/1995 | |
Paul Cotrulia | 2 | 03/13/2013 | |
Julian Phillips | 1 | ||
Colin Bucksey | 1 | 10/24/1994 | |
Ben Robinson | 1 | ||
Jim Goddard | 1 | 11/21/1994 | |
Alan Birkenshaw | 1 | 01/30/1995 | |
Tony Bell | 1 | ||
Silvio Narrizano | 1 | 05/15/1995 |
Name | Number of Episodes | Dates | |
J. Larry Carroll | 5 | 10/24/1994 - 02/13/1995 | |
David Bennett Carren | 5 | 10/24/1994 - 02/13/1995 | |
Steve Brown | 3 | 05/01/1995 - 07/03/1995 | |
Arthur Sellers | 3 | 01/30/1995 - 07/24/1995 | |
Marc Scott Zicree | 3 | 10/10/1994 - 01/16/1995 | |
Sam Graham | 2 | 01/09/1995 - 02/06/1995 | |
Burt Prelutsky | 2 | 06/26/1995 - 07/03/1995 | |
Mark Harris | 2 | 10/17/1994 - 01/09/1995 | |
Philip Morrow | 2 | 02/06/1995 - 05/08/1995 | |
Carl Jahnsen | 1 | 05/08/1995 | |
Nick Sagan | 1 | 02/20/1995 | |
John Needham | 1 | ||
Paul Robert Coyle | 1 | 02/06/1995 | |
Peter Dunne | 1 | 07/10/1995 | |
Michael Berlin | 1 | 07/17/1995 | |
Chris Hubbell | 1 | 05/08/1995 | |
Eric Gethers | 1 | 04/24/1995 | |
Hans Beimler | 1 | 11/07/1994 | |
Gerry Anderson | 1 | ||
Eric Estrin | 1 | 07/17/1995 | |
Tony Barwick | 1 | ||
Richard Manning | 1 | 11/07/1994 | |
James Hendrie | 1 | 05/29/1995 | |
Paul Mayhew-Archer | 1 | 10/03/1994 |
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