Re-uploaded with different music at the end because a company called "Believe Music" had themselves a little hissy-fit. All ZF Twitch channels - My personal one - Patreon - Status of the DayZ server: Apologies, the DayZ server isn't available anymore. Though good times were had! We continue to run different servers for various other games. But the list tends to fluctuate. You're more than welcome to pop in to the various ZF streams and join us if we're playing something we're hosting. The details would normally be displayed on those individual stream pages. We're not organised enough to keep a specific list updated somewhere. Sources 0:15 - The Sweet, Wig-Wam Bam 1972 1:22 - The Fifth Element (1997 film) 1:46 - "Honey Nut Gestapos" 4chan post, unknown original source 2:36 - Ridin (sic), Chamillionaire 2:54 - Fearless, Brand X Music 3:32 - I Don't Care, Carina Dahl 5:18 - The Thing (2011 film) 5:38 - X:Com: Enemy Within, Firaxis Games 7:21 - stock image 8:13 - Donky Kong Country (SNES) - Bonus Missions music 8:13 - Half-assed photoshops, assorted bullshittery server fuck-tards