Home / Series / SourceFedNERD / Aired Order / Season 2017 / Episode 34

What is Marvel’s VILLAIN PROBLEM? And Thanos Infinity War Update!

For years now, people have criticized Marvel for having weak, unmemorable villains, aka the “villain problem,” and finally Marvel itself (aka Kevin Feige) is addressing the issue head on. Kevin Feige actually ADMITS IT! Kind of! Feige has an explanation for the villains from the Marvel films not being very substantial and also lets us know if this is going to change in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 or in Avengers: Infinity War! He also gives us Infinity War news, regarding Thanos, the villain of that movie. Filup Molina and Whitney Moore give you their thoughts and we also get another classically intense FiMo Rant™. Follow us on Twitter: @sourcefednerd Follow us on Tumblr: sourcefed Like us on Facebook: /SFNerd P.O. Box Address: ATTN: SourceFedNERD 6433 Topanga Canyon Blvd #805 Canoga Park, CA 91303 The @SourceFedNerd Hosts: @TweetneyMoore @fimo Music: Discovery Music Source

  • Originally Aired February 9, 2017
  • Created September 25, 2021 by
  • Modified September 25, 2021 by