This Star Wars Fan Film takes place in the years following the death of Emperor Palpatine, where various military factions of the fallen Empire struggle against the ever-stengthening rebellion. Among them is a recently captured force-sensitive mercenary: a self-taught lightsaber-for-hire, Lune Sicarii (Maude Garrett). She and Rebel Commander Jate Antoninus (Keahu Kahuanui) have been teaming up to destroy remnants of the Empire across the galaxy. PLEASE NOTE: 360 capabilities ONLY work with the YouTube app on mobile or Chrome on desktop. Tilt your phone (best experience), or drag your cursor to look around in full 360º Starring: @maudegarrett, @KeahuKahuanui, @malayofemc (IG) Writer / Executive Producer / Stormtrooper: @Dangersharkz Director / Editor: @lenwilkes Visual Effects / Set Design: John Beswick Costume Design: @castlecorsetry Leather Goods by: @MerchantGreen Producer: @vincetalenti Location Sound: @studskater14 Set Photography, Tusken Raider: @IanDokie Production Dept., Tusken Raider: @jdwaldy