The person you meet once in your lifetime that fate has brought to you! This person you call your soulmate. The year 2006, your soulmate is secretly creeping up on you… What if my other half is really living somewhere out there; will I be able to notice them? It is a question that can be asked by anyone who is in their marital age. A time when matchmaking agencies are flooded with people! Try re-identifying the true meaning of marriage and love while watching 6 couples live the same life that you're living in.
We will show you everything you need to know in the love game!
This is a sitcom young adults and adults can enjoy. Members of all age groups can enjoy it, and benefit from its honest and ongoing talk about love. It gives its viewers some final answers to the "love game" questions and presents confusing issues in a way that everyone can understand. The drama will tell you everything you've always wanted to know, from spending a night with a guy you don't like, to how to completely win over a guys heart; and much more!! It spills out all the secrets of the love game.
"It is easier to stir up a women's heart than to drink wine." Dong-wook, a playboy who no one can even dare to follow. "My boyfriend of 5 years!! He is definitely my soulmate!!" Soo-kyung, a girl who only looks at one man like a sunflower; a perfect, pure hearted character. Two people who have never seen each other, and who live on the opposite sides of the world from each other live and love in their own way, but from some point on they start to move towards the same dream and feel the same physiological feelings. Two people who have met by fate in a world full of mixed up fates. Now, the most amazing things, which no one could have ever thought of, start to unfold between the two.
L'histoire commence avec Philip, qui demande Su Kyeong en mariage, après cinq ans de vie commune. Demande fort peu romantique pour la jeune femme, puisque celui-ci la fait dans le métro.
D'un autre côté Dong Wook, playboy assumé qui ne croit pas en l'amour, se voit obligé de participer à un dîner arrangé avec une fille de bonne famille et lègèrement naïve nommée Yu Jin.
Très portés sur le physique et l'amour sans lendemain, Min Ae et Ryohei font connaissance dans une salle de sport.
Quant à Jeong Wan, un beau parleur, il rend folle amoureuse Ming Jin une femme de sept ans son aînée.
Tout se petit monde est en fait lié d'une façon ou d'une autre, et va se donner des conseils en matière d'amour : faut-il ou non croire en l'âme soeur ?
Le tout dans une ambiance romantique et comique.
"여자 마음 흔들기? 와인 마시는 것 보다 쉽지!!"
누구도 따라올 수 없는 작업남 동욱.
"5년 간 사귀어온 남자친구!! 그는 완전 내 운명!!"
한 남자만 해바라기 순정파 수경.
태어나 생을 반복하면서 오직 한 번, 운명이 맺어준 사람!
그 사람이 바로 영혼의 동반자인 소.울.메.이.트.