Vicente intenta ayudar a María, pero ni Zulma ni su mamá lo permiten. Alberto descubre a Raúl hablando mal de Romina y lo corre del taller.
Bárbara's father threatens to put Romina in the asylum. Omar's shady business dealings come to light. Vicente tries to help María, but neither Zulma nor her mother will allow him. Alberto discovers Raúl speaking ill of Romina and fires him from the workshop. Leopoldo receives a call from Elsa at Inés' house. Raúl learns that Leopoldo has another daughter besides Sofía, he will take advantage of this to try to get his job back.
Vicente tenta ajudar María, mas nem Zulma nem sua mãe permitem. Alberto pega Raúl falando mal de Romina e o expulsa da oficina.