During summer break, Wakana Gojo (Kouta Nomura) focuses on his Hina doll crafting training, while Marin Kitagawa (Riko Nagase) keeps busy with her part-time job to avoid disturbing him. Marin’s growing feelings for Wakana remain unnoticed as he struggles with his training, feeling mentally drained. Hoping to cheer him up, Marin invites Wakana on a shopping trip.
During their outing, Wakana decides to create a cosplay outfit for Marin’s favorite character, "Liz-kun," reigniting his passion for costume-making. They plan the fitting at Marin’s house, where Wakana feels nervous visiting for the first time. Excited by the fitting, the two get carried away and hold an impromptu photoshoot. Caught up in the moment, they find themselves unexpectedly close when Marin’s father suddenly returns home, catching them off guard.